She's beautiful, Jig. Glad you guys have been able to get a little rest, too. That is something very few new dads are afforded... moms too, lol.
That LED looks like it is a good veg spectrum from the looks of it. I'd say they made the right choice with that, lol. Grow baby grow :lol: . ...
Hah! Yeah, I felt the same way about the dumps... even though your arm is clean, your mind is telling you it's now dirty. Good times.
Wait until you're changing her and she squirts poop all over the place. THAT is fun. And don't think it won't happen to ya. It happens to everyone ;)
I've the the SSV, too! I've also got a Pax for portable vaping, but the SSV is great once you get it all dialed in... I hooked mine up to my binger as well. Really nice for that, I'd say. Plus it's a local company, Colo ;)
My only complaint is that every once in awhile I'll combust a bowl by...
Hey fellas! Ok ok, tomorrow I'll give you all the breakdown of everything. :) I've still got a couple more ounces + to help tie me over til the next grow. I'ma gonna go vape some Blueberry and Headband-- a little night time mix :joint:
Hey Donnie bud just swinging through to say hello. Been a busy bee over here, but have just gotten through the last few pages. Hope things are turning around for you. Keeping my fingers crossed that the good juju finds its way over your direction...
Look on the upside-- your flowers and...
I've been checkin in on you everyday, man. ;) Been so busy around here lately... it's just been nuts. Miss not being able to catch up with you guys more, but busy with work stuff lately (in addition to baby madness as usual). I'll get back in the swing of things here in a bit.
Classic story. Why am I not surprised? ;)
Good to see you around. I've been busy lately, just lurking to and fro...
?p x SB puff puff paaassssss :joint:
HHB Jig! Almost there man... I bet you can't hardly believe it. Been thinkin'bout you two even though I've been absent quite a bit lately. Keep the good vibes going, and she'll be here soon enough bud. So psyched for you guys. You are gonna tear up like a lil girl! Just wait... it's the...
My wife and I did Hypnobirthing, Jig. Essentially what you are talking about... this woman, Rachel Yellin has a class here. You might be able to find some good links from her site if you poke around. It totally helped my wife for through the first 2 days of labor (we had a 3 day long labor...