Hey gang. Just dropping in... I think it's the longest I've never looked at RIU in since I started. Just wanted to say congrats to DST... welcome to the club, brosef. It's a great place to be. Jig and everyone else, hope you guys are doing well, too. I've had to ride the wave so to speak...
Whoa whoa whoa, you JUST had your first blowout? Oh man... you've gotten off easy. You're barely in the game, son! Wait until she starts eating solids. :shock: She's cute as button btw, Jig.
Really enjoyed reading over the past few pages. Miss being on here... things have just been too...
Love yous guys. I'm still here. Just been kinda overwhelmed as of late. Trying to get shit together. New grow coming soon... By end of Oct me thinks. Hope everyone is doing well. Just trying to not be stressed out these days : / Deep breath. Bong rip. Back to work. peace.
Dude, parenting life is straight ringing ears right now. Our daughter is sick, and just screamed the entire 30 minute car ride home. I'm going to start driving around with ear plugs-- no shit.
So getting back at it again then, BBYY? That IS a good feeling. I'm about to bust out a cycle here...
Oh man, I'd trade you for some of that sleep right about now. Our little H is teething out of control, and was waking up every 15 minutes last night until about 4am. Poor ting. :( I feel like full scale dog shit, too.
Jig, glad your mother in law was able to help. I absolutely kid you not...
Damn dude, 5 weeks?! You're. Crazy. Man.
Pictures of the scrog or it didn't happen! I''ll go check your thread.
HC, hope all is well... just lurking lots these days. peace
Yeah, get some shut eye pal. I've been up a lot of the night, too... except for mine wants to get up and run around the house, ffs, lol. She is so cute though. She just learned how to give hugs yesterday, and my heart is pretty much melted wax. Have you ever gotten a hug from a 10 month old...
Hah! When we first had brought my daughter home... I think it was the first night, actually... My wife thought it would just be easier for me if she just laid her on the bed in front of me, feet towards my junk between my legs, head towards my feet. I take her diaper off, and the little thing...
You're not supposed to let 'em watch TV until they're two... but rock the music, hard. Our daughter dances when she hears the music on all of her toys... it might be the cutest thing ever.
Hope you guys are all doing well.