As soon as there is pr0n, there will be photos. I'm about to up pot all my girls in the couple of days… move em over to the 600 and get the party started.
Hey brosef! Good to see you around these parts. Just popping my head up outta the ground grow some pot… ya know, the usual...
I don't even need to say it. :hug: :hug:
Duchie, great to see you around again, too. Can't wait to do some hard core photo geeking with you. Hope school is going well. Good news buddy… we get to see what that Northern Lights is gonna do… I'm...
Oh man, you're a full seasoned pro. I've never even attempted simultaneous diaper change/feeding… that's next level shit, dude.
HHB man… I wonder if everyone saying it so much caused it to pop into her head… she sounds like she's still happy and healthy… good job, poppa...
Thanks, Jig! Good to see you :)
I think that one sounds pretty dank, too. The dude at the clone counter was saying he just saw some finish up realllllly nice, too… I think I might be one plant closer.
I trust by now you are a 100% professional dad. My daughter is 16 months now...
I think I might… funny you mention it, too. I was just thinking I need to pop some beans, and was wondering which ones I should do… now I know. bongsmilie
It's been a bit, but I'm back in action for a little while. Gonna give it my best to drop in a whole hell of a lot more than I've been. And so it goes.
For this first run I've got 16 x 1 gallon RootMaker pots.. er, 15, and a 2 gallon Smartie it'd seem. I'm doing this run on a drip system...
^^^^^^ That's sorta what I figured… I know he needs his space from time to time. He's very much like an old friend of mine who passed away… he was a mentor of another kind, but a great soul... But HC ain't going no where. What is this fucking crazy talk… sorry. I got my...
Ive taken glycerin tincture and shit's legit.
I emailed HC the other day to see how he is… we'll see how long it takes him to reply. He used to check his regular email less than his RIU account, lol, ffs. Silly Caveman. How else are we supposed to know how he is?! ::shining bat...
According to Nugbuckets high THC content is still very useful, especially when fighting things like cancer. Some even argue that part of the euphoric feeling helps kill the tumors...