Hey guys i searched and i found nothing about rap news with Robert Foster so i decided to make this thread, if you are interested in watching real news about current events that are important to you, this is one of the best sources out there. If you watch fox news and you believe anything you...
It looks to me like the same problem I've been having, i believe mine is magnesium deficiency but no one has confirmed, the reason i believe i have magnesium deficiency is because of this video, i seem to have all of the symptoms he describes, leaves canoeing, purple stems, leaf tips burnt and...
Filters work best when they are at the intake of the system as some one previously explained also the filter will act as a muffler so i am not sure sure that silencer will be needed and its just gonna add more drag to the ventilation system.
Check out this link its got every thing you need to grow and some things you don't.
Huh i was talking to the OP about his room?
I just noticed you have 2 separate ventilation systems one for the smell with a carbon filter and one for the lights? If that's the case and you get hoods that have an intake and an exhaust you can daisy chain your hoods and then run the intake from the last hood in the chain to out side the...
As the previous poster said A/C may have to be an option and as far as a filter goes you have 4 options, buy that very expensive looking filter from sun light supply co make sure its rated for the air flow you will be pulling, Diy your self and inline filter probably not a good idea considering...
Yeah I'm definitely gonna pick some up i didn't know you could use regular sulfured molasses or i would have gotten some long ago it would be nice to have the microbes on my side, i had no idea that blood meal had to be broken down by microbes i figured the nitrogen was readily available since...
Here are some updated pics, and yeah it seems as though its moving pretty rapidly i first noticed signs of the same problem on the white Russian on the 7th here is a pic from the 7th,
and here are some pics of it and the blue cheese from a few minutes ago.