am i assumin then, that i need to use on the lowest setting n only use when absolutly necessary.. had it on for an hour n the smells were gone!! infact smells are still gone after hrs later, now lights r off..will use it wiv caution... oops seem 2 be answering my own ? 's here lol
yes well im potentially killin myself everyday wiv the 30+ cigs i smoke everyday... will keep the thing on when lights r on for 8hrs or summat like windows 4 fresh air, grab a duvet coz its freezin here, hope 4 the best.. is it really really toxic..maybe i shud try it for less hrs???
thats shit that pensioners living in cars omg!! here in britain they dont wanna look after the elderly here either especially if u own ur own home they prefer u going in one of them homes then they have u sell ur home to pay for the nursing home fees.. thieves the lot of em!!
well just been down to grow shop n now come back wiv summat completly different... mountain breeze ozone gen..ok it aint the friendliest of things 2 wont be peepin in there on a reg. but hey an hr later n i can't smell hardly anything..fingers crossed i should be a free...
right seein as it's my only option will go en invest in this ona breeze fan.. will report back wiv my opions..however if u dont hear from me assume im a doing a bit of hmp..aka ikle
ffs.. i have worked all my life..only had 5 jobs in 30yrs was made redundant just b4 xmas..n i was bread winner or wotever u wanna call hubbie was stay at home but thats fine suited us.. all we get now is jobseeker for me n child tax credit/child benefit grand total of £140..i have to pay...
my flat is on 1st floor landing..then i have to go downstairs into my flat..the whole landin is now stinkin.. an if i can smell it walking 2 my flat then the other tenants can too..was ok last wk we had 70mph gales so mother nature was helpin the
Im in the situation where there aint an option.. an i cant go drilling n making holes into walls either ..maybe they are £50 in usa? but only found em at £60 which dont include the 4lr gel :-(
Has anybody tried the Ona Breeze fan with fresh linen gel? I realise at £90 its an expense, but living in a flat is gettin a big problem now.. probably already spent £30+ on air freshners n all they do is mask it 4 a short period..ive still got 3wks to go n its gonna get worse..
hahaha...bags under my eyes, no energy, insomia, not to mention my mental state.... en them, well they have lovely green leaves, get loadsa sleep, n dont have a care in the world as well as free food/water n a rent free home... nite all
how long can they be without lights? they went off 10.30pm (instead of 12.30am) uk time its now 4.30am..not sure if i wanna go sleep in case i leave it too long...
My lights went off 2hrs early due to a fault that i cant fix until morning..will this effect my plants, there in 5wks+ of flowering, aint slept all night wiv
will antihistamine tablets work then? ive had allergies b4 on my hands but usually would use a cream..but don't wanna risk the chemicals in the cream damaging my plants??
Hey ppl, Im a complete newbie on my 1st grow, Im on wk 5 of flowering, n last couple of days gettin bit sticky, but Ive now noticed i have an ugly itchy rash inbetween my fingers.. is this caused by my plants, anyone heard or had this reaction b4???
You have just answered my question..cheers, im into wk 4 of flowering n didnt get back intime 2 check my lights last nite,they went off at midnight but i'd left the dam ceiling light on so for just over an hour they wernt in complete i guess ur sayin they should be ok?