• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The smell in here is getting serious!!


Has anybody tried the Ona Breeze fan with fresh linen gel? I realise at £90 its an expense, but living in a flat is gettin a big problem now.. probably already spent £30+ on air freshners n all they do is mask it 4 a short period..ive still got 3wks to go n its gonna get worse..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
For £90 you could alternatively jut buy a carbon filter and extractor and do things properly? Or are you stuck growing in a situation where this isn't an option? (i had to saw a hole in the ceiling for mine, unknown to the landlord :D)

Looking on google it seems those fans can be had for about £50 now as opposed to £90


Im in the situation where there aint an option.. an i cant go drilling n making holes into walls either ..maybe they are £50 in usa? but only found em at £60 which dont include the 4lr gel :-(

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well it might not be the best solution but Ona works damned well when it comes to smells, so i say give it a go, and you can alweays just sell a couple of grams to cover the cost. I had a smell issue while i was drying in an unventilated space, the whole flat stank, i just left one of the ona blocks open and while it did not entirely remove the smell, it was a damned site better, to the point that you could walk up the stairs and not smell it before you were halfway up :D


Active Member
I like the Ona Breeze fan and I like the carbon filter with fan, but which one is better? FIIIIGGGGHHHHTT!!!!!

(...carbon filter wins)


my flat is on 1st floor landing..then i have to go downstairs into my flat..the whole landin is now stinkin.. an if i can smell it walking 2 my flat then the other tenants can too..was ok last wk we had 70mph gales so mother nature was helpin the smell...lol


carbon filter fan? whats that then..im a newbie not heard of that??
Brimck...could do wiv a free holiday after all the stress..lol


Well-Known Member
i no, i been there but put the money out, its very apparent you need it. dont skimp on this or you will get THE knock...peace


right seein as it's my only option will go en invest in this ona breeze fan.. will report back wiv my opions..however if u dont hear from me assume im a doing a bit of hmp..aka ikle holiday..lol


Well-Known Member
Ona is for small concealed grows. If the smell is leaking from your apartment then ona is not gonna do it for you bro.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Good find Fir3dragon. You gotta do something. I did that very same thing, playing catch up with my grow. You could smell my grow half way down my driveway at times. Keep the temps down, get some of those timed release air fresheners (1 in each corner of the room) with some ozium in them, a canister filter/fan combo, some OnaGel and you should be OK.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
They do work. It simply depends on the size of your grow. When i had my entire harvest drying in the open, i left an open ona block next to the door, sorted.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
OnaGel IS pretty impressive!! I wasn't sure about it, but I use it religiously now, along with everything else I can do to eliminate odor.


Active Member
i think this would work for you, good luck. i wouldnt try any of those fresheners because they arent going to work and if people smell a bunch of fresheners they are gonna be like what smell is he trying to cover up? but thats my opinion..

This is the route I would go, pretty good deal too. I have a 1000 CFM filter with a 750 CFM fan just sitting on top of it. It is only recirculating room air in a 12x12x10 room, and I don't even have negative pressure, or an air tight seal in there. It's still early flower, but the plants are stinky enough to fill my house. Within minutes of turning the fan on, I can probably smoke in my room and it would clear the smell quick. I had planned to vent it out of my room and create negative pressure, but haven't needed to yet. My temps were basically perfect and didn't want to mess with anything if I didn't have to. I'll do that If late flower smells are too much for this set up to handle.


Well-Known Member
If you have a garbage disposer... put lemon/ lime / orange peels down it and your house will smell like citrus trees instead of dank bushes lol


well just been down to grow shop n now come back wiv summat completly different... mountain breeze ozone gen..ok it aint the friendliest of things 2 use..so wont be peepin in there on a reg. basis..lol but hey an hr later n i can't smell hardly anything..fingers crossed i should be a free person to see my end result providin nowt else goes wrong..just hope it stays like this for next 3/4wks ;-) thanx 4 all ur imput guys

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Aye, o-zone gens work a treat, but as you say, better safe than sorry when it comes to potentially killing yaself :lol: I was tempted but realised i'd more than likely just end up with a highly toxic bedroom atmosphere :D


yes well im potentially killin myself everyday wiv the 30+ cigs i smoke everyday... will keep the thing on when lights r on for 8hrs or summat like that..open windows 4 fresh air, grab a duvet coz its freezin here, hope 4 the best.. is it really really toxic..maybe i shud try it for less hrs???