• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Uk being the Piss take that it is , do i really wanna be here !!!


Active Member
Lol the polish are everywhere. Even my supervisor is polish. We got 5 polish working where Im at. Not being funy towards polish nor any other country but you look after your own not your not so close neighbours


Well-Known Member
well here, if you work for over 6 months fulltime, you're elligable for unemployment for a period of time. it's not a lot of money, the maximum pay is 400 a week. even if you were making 150k a year, you will only get 400 a month, regardless of how many people are dependent on you. also, healthcare in this country is usually provided by your company. so if you're in a job with great medical insurance benefits, you pay fr those group benefits out of your check. it's usually like 500 dollars a month for a family. If you're unemployed, you have the option of getting COBRA which allows you to keep these benefits but they are like 3x the cost (often people can't afford it and don't bother). so you're making 2000 a month and it's 1500 to insurance you family. then after the unemployment runs out, if you do not have a job, you lose the COBRA insurance and unemployment payments. At that point, you can try to get private insurance which usually only cover 60% of the cost of medical, often times covers no medication and these plans start at about $600 for a family. if you have someone with Lupus or MS or cancer, they WILL NOT even offer you a quote because it doesn't pay for them to insure you. it's not good over here and it's not getting better.


Well-Known Member
well here, if you work for over 6 months fulltime, you're elligable for unemployment for a period of time. it's not a lot of money, the maximum pay is 400 a week. even if you were making 150k a year, you will only get 400 a month, regardless of how many people are dependent on you. also, healthcare in this country is usually provided by your company. so if you're in a job with great medical insurance benefits, you pay fr those group benefits out of your check. it's usually like 500 dollars a month for a family. If you're unemployed, you have the option of getting COBRA which allows you to keep these benefits but they are like 3x the cost (often people can't afford it and don't bother). so you're making 2000 a month and it's 1500 to insurance you family. then after the unemployment runs out, if you do not have a job, you lose the COBRA insurance and unemployment payments. At that point, you can try to get private insurance which usually only cover 60% of the cost of medical, often times covers no medication and these plans start at about $600 for a family. if you have someone with Lupus or MS or cancer, they WILL NOT even offer you a quote because it doesn't pay for them to insure you. it's not good over here and it's not getting better.
That is such a confusing system i think i would rather just stay ill, wow that is bad !


Well-Known Member
im not joking here , if i go into my town , i can honestly hear more people speaking polish than english , i went into a games shop on boxing day and i swear there wasnt one person in there who was english except for me .nearlly everyworker in the supermarket is polish , i have nothing against polish people on a personal level , coz if i was born in a shit country and there was a chance to move to a better place for me n my familly i would , but its totally out of hand here now , and i just cant believe its happend so badly in my town .hand on my heart i honestly think this town will become a no go for english people in 10 years ,i allready feel out of place sometimes around here , and if you go the pubs you are allmost guarenteed to kicked off on by some eastern european who been drinkin vodka all night .
i dont mind helpin other countries out , but in the uk now there has been a massive error in our imigration policies we have liteerally let millions of people live here and its way way too many , we are just a tiny little island .
i dont know what the answer to the problem is , they are here now and you cant just round people up and shift them off .
Why not ? Australia was built this way ?


Active Member
I wont post what i do here as it connects me directly to a specific area in a town, but i will add you as a friend and message you after my bloom room switch on as not to be rude :)

So that would be that their benefits from social security have run out ? so they get nothing ?
Wow that stinks , i think everyone who claims in the uk gets a base rate no matter what, as long they can actively take on a job and are willing to work,
Yeah leaving him is not something i dont think i could consider while he's so young , and i dont think she would let me take him lol....
my mrs earns 16k, means i qualify for f all benefits, despite 6k bein rent 3k on debts 2k on council tax and 2k on utilities. its a joke


Well-Known Member
11k household here... I'm not sure if that's good...I have a myriad of health problems and hate having to pay for all repeat prescriptions and the dentist...


ffs.. i have worked all my life..only had 5 jobs in 30yrs was made redundant just b4 xmas..n i was bread winner or wotever u wanna call it..my hubbie was stay at home but thats fine suited us.. all we get now is jobseeker for me n child tax credit/child benefit grand total of £140..i have to pay my rent/council tax/water £500pmth dont get sweet fa towards it..y u may ask? well cos i saved ..wish i hadnt bovered now..n any money i use out of my savings over £300 the dhs wanna know wot its for and see receipts!! even checked my bank statements 2yrs prior to me being outta work wtf that had 2 do wiv em i don not know??pisses me right off..so my advice to anyone out there dont put ur money in the bank cos the governement will steal ur hard earned pennines it from u...soz guys rant over!!


Well-Known Member
You mean you actually want to go to pubs? You must live somewhere nice. Oh wait... So do I... A city known for its links to dickens... Yet at night its full of more dicks than dickensians, to the point where I can proudly turn on most shitty police shows and see the popo round there.

All my friends do coke as youve stated, im ostracized for being a smoker.

Pubs are brimming with wankers who always start fights

Electricity prices im constantly whining about on here cuz i didnt realize how good americans had it

BUT and heres the BUT... you might as well cut your bollocks off if you think its an easy ride into america... youre talking to a guy thats been deported once and nearly twice in 2 visits there. middle class whitey. and thats just for vacation let alone living there... i dont think they're a nanny easy-visa giving country. australias even worse

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
man america aint the greatest, i think we can do shit different round this way, shit i think everywhere could be different and better for the most part..... like why i have to keep payin something for a house thats paid off for land, why should i pay high ass payments for a fuckin cell phone, why should i pay high prices for electricity, n 9 dollars to eat at a fast food resteraunt.... though ill mostly eat dollar menu stuff, not only that why cant i chief or grow a few plants out the way from people but i can drink myself sick to where i can fuck up my liver and kill myself in an instant or others.... i mean but damn america is expensive to plus you cant do shit with out the government behind your back.... i think people can live better with a couple of changes in todays financial world, cause if you have no money at all your basically in a fuckin hole, and how can you live if you can only get a job that can BARELY pay for rent and bills which can easily take 1/3 of your check, and you have to feed a few people, you still have to buy food drink, and other things as well cause shit happens alot..... then they expect you to pay for putting your child in school.... i mean the government can pay for the school for the fam that dont do anything and gets help but then other people have to pay for school which cost a shitload of money too but i mean why should one have to pay for school? if america needs it and its a big priority school should be open freely, what if noone could afford school, its like sayin if you make all this money then you have to do this, if you dont make no cash then will give you this, it almost seems better to be broke, but it seems now there having problems with helping, but even though u get alot if you dont make alot of money, i still would want more for real.... but the more you want and the more you do to get that want seems like you still gon have to go through shit to get it and to continue to have it.... also like income tax, you make alot you gotta give back... biiiitttcchhhhhhhh y you wana take my hard earned money shit, you already take my taxes during the year for my business, home and even at grocery stores and when i purchase stuff, so why should you take my damn income tax back???.... sorry i had to talk about it........


Active Member
uk was supposed to lower tax bracket back to 17.5% but have decided to keep it at 20% till 2015.
price of petrol at 1.32 pence per litre and diesel higher than that, and a increase not too far away in the year.
cost of living increased by a further 3% on top of the added vat we already pay.
but yet wages dont increase for the last 2 years, so we have infact took a 7% paycut without even knowing.


Well-Known Member
i think the US is a good place to live when you're young but you don't want to get old here because we have no programs for the elderly. i see seniors picking out of the garbage and living in their cars every day.


thats shit that pensioners living in cars omg!! here in britain they dont wanna look after the elderly here either especially if u own ur own home they prefer u going in one of them homes then they have u sell ur home to pay for the nursing home fees.. thieves the lot of em!!


Well-Known Member
better off in the nursing home than in your car lol. i met an old lady who lived in her car with 3 dogs. she had no access to medical for her or her dogs. so sad.


Well-Known Member
serious actual options? we can all march on parliament daily till they take up the discussion properly, sign the petition at e-petitions and wait, be arseholes and riot, or moan about it a lot and let them get away with it.

unfortunately we all have an equal say, thats why we vote. change doesn't happen on its own, if you really wanted to get something done about it then the first thing you do is give it up and be the public face for a campaign. play it by the rules till you can change the rules. i really do think it'll snowball as soon as someone sticks their head out and says what we're all thinking

i personally think this country has slowly let go of the discipline it used to have. from teachers losing the cane to mums and dads getting charged with assault for smacking their kids, who seriously do the kids fear??? i think a bit of national service (not fighting wars but working on bases in the uk) would drill it into them, nobody is proud to be brittish anymore because britain is so multi-cultural it feels almost racist to be patriotic.

If I lived in the UK this is the person I would be listening to Nigel Farage.


Active Member
Lol say it like it is
to be honest I couldn't really deal with glasgeh being labelled a city of culture or whatever. Amazed me
never actually been then??? amazes me the fact that here in the 21st century people wanna still lablel Scots as backwards kilt-wearing haggis munchers

Television; telephones; penicillin; antiseptics; grass collecting lawnmowers; marmalade; tyres or golf.
Some people, maybe, could do without some of these things. Some people have an aversion to marmalade, for instance. Some though this might seem incredible to some readers wouldn't bat an eyelid if there was just green grass without the holes where there are golf links now. But that's just human nature: you can't please everybody all of the time.
All of the above inventions are Scottish. Some of them, without doubt, are major discoveries that have changed the world. Penicillin, for instance, discovered by bacteriologist Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928 has saved more lives than all those lost in all the wars in history. Television has no equal in communicating to and influencing a mass audience so much so, that during any modern revolution one of the first acts is to take control of the national TV station. And the telephone, which was initially dismissed as having no value as 'there would always be an adequate supply of runners to carry messages in London' has transformed the way the planet communicates like no other invention: the telephone network has grown to be the 'biggest machine on the planet'. These are major contributions to modern civilisation. And they're only the tip of the iceberg. New inventions emerge from Scotland's scientists and engineers with an amazing rapidity, some of which bring with them immediately graspable implications like the MRI scanner or the Tuley Tube (the plastic tree shelter than can be spotted along hillsides and motorway verges around the world). Others, like the ground-breaking animal cloning at the Roslin Institute outside Edinburgh, bring with them complex ethical issues as the powers of sciences like bio-technology become ever more fundamental.
The key point here though is that the best Scottish minds have always been worth backing. To underline the point, below is a selected list of some of things that Scotland has contributed to the world things that for the most part we understand. Many of the inventions and discoveries currently being worked on in universities and research institutes across Scotland require, almost by definition, a leap of the imagination, for they are the building blocks of tomorrow's world. But you only have to look at how far we've come to imagine how far we might go. For instance, imagine a world without cancer. Just one thing that Scottish scientists are working on. Imagine what the world would be like without the following all invented in Scotland.
An abbreviated A-Z of Scottish inventions
  • Anaesthetics
  • Beta-blockers
  • Bicycles
  • Cash credit
  • Colour photography
  • Cotton-reel threads
  • Continuous electric light
  • Criminal finger-printing
  • Decimal points
  • Fax machines
  • Financial services by telephone
  • Fountain pens
  • Electro-magnetism
  • Hollow pipe drainage
  • Hypodermic syringes
  • Insulin
  • Kaleidoscopes
  • Lime cordial
  • Motor insurance
  • Noble gases
  • Paraffin
  • Pneumatic tyres
  • Self adhesive postage stamps
  • Quinine
  • Radar
  • Reflecting telescopes
  • Retail banking
  • Savings banks
  • Tubular steel
  • Ultrasound scanners
  • Universal standard time
  • Vacuum flasks
  • Waterproof mackintoshes
  • Wave-powered electricity generators
  • Whisky - yes .... Whisky supersillybilly lol


Well-Known Member
I fucking love Whisky. Most of all....Malts but I'll drink blends to. Anyway, life is what u make it, regardless of country. To be happy in life u must love and work(that guy that said all guys wanna fornicate with their mothers said that) I think hes right but missed one important activity.....getting hammered at least once per week