/sigh so i woke up to the smell of weed coming from my utility closet again today, this really sucks i thought i had fixed the issue with the duct tape but i guess not, i walked around the out side of my house inspecting for smells, i still haven't detected the odor out side yet but if the smell...
Alright so i picked up a 5 pound bag of Earth worm castings today i am planning on making a tea for my plants, nothing fancy just the earth worm castings and a table spoon of molasses in a 5 gallon bucket with an air pump, i was wondering though why use the nylon stalkings as a tea bag? Wouldn't...
Yeah believe me if i could place the scrubber at the end of the system i would, when i originally set up the room i put it at the front because it was the most convenient place plus i didn't want to push to much air threw it to fast end up with odor leaks because of it, i had been told that its...
I am pretty sure I've got the smell issue figured out i just have to make sure that i got it fixed with the duct tape, when i put the bulb in my hood i could not get the lens to go back into place properly so i had to bend some hinges to get it to close, what i didn't realize at the time was...
Well i got some work done on the room today i sealed the hood with duct tape because i didn't want to have to deal with caulking it and then cutting it open when i need to change the bulb i guess only time will tell how well it worked, i also tucked the plants under the screen again because i am...
Yeah man i have a carbon filter i just replaced my old one because i thought it being old was what was causing the odor problems but it wasn't, i just did a closer inspection of my hood today and i can confirm that it is what is causing the odor to leak there is a gap between the glass and the...
This smell issue is really starting to scare the fucking shit out of me i woke up today and this smell is full fucking blown, i guess I'm going to take the air cooled hood out of the loop because it is the absolute last thing that i can think of that could be causing the problem either that or...
I am going to summarize what i said in that video real quick, the plants growth in the past week or so since i flipped the switch to 12/12 has been awesome, for about the past week i have been tucking the plants back under the screen but in the past few days i decided to let them grow out and...
I don't know if i have stated it, but as cool as that swinging light is it scares the fuck out of me too... I would be paranoid as fuck to leave it alone lol, fuck I'm paranoid enough about my tiny grow and it doesn't have a swinging light, every time i get home i am happy to see that my house...
Alright man will do i just bought some and its on its way, you wouldn't happen to know how much i should add to each 4.5 gal pot to bring the ph down .6 or so would you?
^^ What he said, and no that light wouldn't be over kill just make sure you have adequate ventilation to take care of any heat problems that may arise, i would definitely also recommend an air cooled hood, a set up like this should be fine...