i also want to point this out an exposed HPS bulb(meaning no outer glass) would only transmit 5% of its enery to UV light. because ot the outer glass it transmits NO UV! so no danger there. the only danger to working with HPS is if your eyes are very close(12 inches) within the bulb because basically all the IR is making the molecules dance in your eyeball. staying away, not looking, or covering your eyes with any solid surface should suffice as protection.
no Metal Halide, it basically the same thing except they do rpoduce some UVA which is not bad for your eye, they DO NOT PRODUE ANY UVB OR UVC unless of course the outer envolope is broken. 30% of the energy generated from metal halide is in the for of UV, but once again because of the outer glass envelope all of the dangerous UV has been blocked and there is even less IR from the metal halide than HPS thus making it even less of a danger.
now its not a bad idea to have sunglasses on deck, but they are not necessary, you should also be checking your bulb pretty often for crack (when its off of course) and holes.
as far as the intensity and dialating pupils, well you shouldnt be walking in and out of darkplace constantly im sure this could affect your vision, short term. same thing with blue light. if you look at intese blue light for a short time it will be very difficult to see in the dark.
and thats all you guys are overthinking the light thing, so long as there ar no cracks or holes on the outer glass envolope you should be good.
oh and the constant dilation of your pupils could be causing the headaches.