Depends what the cost of living is in your state. No, $20/hr might not be much out in somewhere like LA or anywhere the cost of living is rediculous. But in the midwest, without an "education", $20/hr is a pretty damn good rate.
I'm looking at the guaranteed analysis. I see that the "derived from" list shows what looks like forms of all the micros. But when it comes to metals like copper and toxic shit like molybdenum I think those have to show actual % in the guaranteed analysis. So because the guaranteed analysis...
And it also doesn't help that there is no shortage of people claiming they can grow wanting to get there foot in the door. Its one of those deals where if you won't work for $12/Hr, they'll just get the next guy who comes through the door who will.
So can Miracle Grow. You going to recommend that too? NPK of 2-45-49 and you say it grows great plants? I guess plants don't need nitrogen after all. That's a new one. If I were you, I'd spread the word.
Was that a legal grow? Don't need an answer. But in a legal grow how much you think they are going to pay someone to grow, or someone to trim? The adds I see on craigslist out in Denver don't pay near that. I've looked into this myself but I would also have to relocate. There are jobs out there...
Could be a little too much N. Another reason he should adjust his nutrient ratios a bit. But I don't think its bad enough to cause the necrotic spots and yellowing. Some of the leaves are a little dark and glossy and starting to claw a bit but not that bad otherwise. Also, some of the other...
I'm kind of surprised they don't want someone with a degree, not saying its necessary, but at $20 an hour... Not trying to take the wind out of your sails or anything but you figure they would want someone with "verifiable experience". Not saying you don't have experience but you know how...
Could be a magnesium deficiency. Part B is the only one of the two that even has any magnesium it it. Add more calmag or adjust feeding ratios.
Yes, I know everyone suggest calmag but this time its actually needed.
If you use the koolbloom use it at like 1/4 the recommended dosage.
But if I were wanting something to help my plants finish I would try something like floralicious plus. I 've heard from credible sources that it does work to add aroma and flavor. I know koolbloom is supposed to add bulk but it...
Finish faster as in dead, yes. Dry koolbloom is very strong stuff and is not even necessary. imo What week are you in? Bloom boosters after weeks 2-3 aren't going to do much for you.
I have Ulcerative Colitis, kind of like crohn's, and smoking is the only thing that helps with it. Without pot my problems get much much worse. I think people who have stomach problems when/after smoking have anxiety problems that are exacerbated by smoking. Nicotine does that to me, makes me...
I personally would not run anything over 1/2 tsp a gallon, about .5 ec. I would try cutting them back and see how they look.
The only issues I had was a slight calcium def.