That's funny as hell When I first started growing and was pulling less then a pound per light... I watched this video like 384738 times.
You can make anything happen if you work your ass off and believe in yourself.
i didn't even know that was loosefill he's using. I know it's some stuff he...
12k btu will do 2 lights no problem non aircooled . But if you choose to go 24k btu there are plenty out there for under 1500 bucks. I buy the cheap ass cool marts for a grand a piece . 15 seer and They seem To work fine, I have 3
Air coolinghoods is nice but they are made very cheap now a days...
You ever fuck with loosefill? Grodan crutons. Grows as well as coco but it doesn't weigh shit, reasonably priced. Holds a decent amount of water but not too much.. I'm trying to switch everything to that.. to make transplant , trash runs ,better efficiency for me
I get over 6 ps from a 4x8 so I know it's doable just highly unlikely In a perpetual with a rookie . Good luck with your coop please start a thread and share
What you were able to do outdoor... And what's going to happen indoor are completely different situations . You're going to need air conditioners .. Heat issue solved
Sounds like you got it all figured out. Keep us posted . Air conditioning ? Co2? 2-3 pounds every month is what you said . So does that mean you will be taking down a 4x8 space with 2400'watts monthly? 3 pounds sounds achievable then if you know what your doing
You can always pinch stuff to keep them lower or slow them down. I also run a fixed height . I used to go a few inches at a time fighting for that 24 inches. Pain in the ass and I didn't notice any better yields
Check it out. You seem like a smart dude. Take everything you have read with a grain of salt because nothing is going to go as your planning. Unless you don't have a job.. or are freakishly ocd, perpetual never works out.. At least on a high grams per watt scale . This is my opinion but I have...
Did you buy online ? Stores will normally swap you out if your a regular customer . I've been pretty lucky and never burnt a bulb. I might buy a few of the eye hortilux Blues this round and run side by side with my cheap 25 dollar bulbs and see if they do any better
If you can feel a temp difference holding your hand over it.. Back it off or you'll cook your girls. Hang a hydrometer at canopy height.. Problem solved
Merit 75. 75 percent imidiclorprid . You can buy it on eBay and it will get to you. Don't call and ask about the shipping lol. Only use it in veg.. Water the fuck out of them and problem should be solved. If your worried about purchasing in the uk I think you can get the Bayer fruit and citrus...
As soon as those seedlings start to grow your going to need a DEhumidifier. I wouldn't waste the money. Exhaust less air. Close the tent up all the way. There are pretty easy ways to controll your environment every which way with tents. I veg in a tent with 1200 watts and I controll the humidity...
An nutes work great. Don't go over half strength with anything. Tanks or Burners are a must. Get it as sealed in there as you can . 1k watts per 5x5 area