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  1. MickFoster

    First time coco grow yellow blotches

    What is your feeding schedule? And are you feeding to substantial run off?
  2. MickFoster

    Yellow white around and on leaves

    Classic magnesium deficiency.
  3. MickFoster

    Is my plant in veg stage ?

    It's in veg stage but you obviously have issues. Could be poor soil or overwatering or lack of oxygen in the root zone. These are 18 days from sprout for a comparison.
  4. MickFoster

    Is my plant in veg stage ?

    How old is it from sprout?
  5. MickFoster

    Help please not budding

    If you vegged for 2 months and you switched to flower a month ago and there are no signs of flowering.........they're getting light from somewhere.
  6. MickFoster

    Deficiency help

    What's your feeding schedule?
  7. MickFoster

    small plants

    An indica with training.
  8. MickFoster

    Curing & drying

    You need a hygrometer in the jar so there's no guess work.
  9. MickFoster

    Grow lights

    A plant typically takes up a 2x2 (4s/f) area. You need a minimum of 120 actual watts.
  10. MickFoster

    Why is my cannabis leaning

    I think the OP is another in a long line of "one post wonders".
  11. MickFoster


    $354 million fine for fraud.........what a fucking loser.
  12. MickFoster

    Help with my plant

    I can't make out how many plants you actually have, but at least one of them is a male.......throwing pollen everywhere.
  13. MickFoster

    Why is my cannabis leaning

    A pic would help. Support it with a stick or straw or something.
  14. MickFoster

    Yellowing plant

    Pics and more info about your grow is required.
  15. MickFoster

    2 gal pots, how big should they grow?

    Lol......I doubt you'll get a reply. This thread is 15 years old and the OP hasn't been seen in 13 years.
  16. MickFoster

    Harvest or wait ?

    Looks like a few of your colas have bud rot.........I suggest you remove them.
  17. MickFoster

    13 hr. Dark cycle?

    I regularly switch from 12/12 to 13/11 about half way through flower.
  18. MickFoster

    Male or Female.

    You can see them if you magnify.
  19. MickFoster


    No need to stop feeding.........I feed to harvest.
  20. MickFoster

    Male or Female.

    Definitely female.......I see pistils.