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  1. MickFoster

    Am I driving myself crazy, again?

    What nutes are you using? I hope not that dry stuff you mentioned in your other thread.
  2. MickFoster

    Am I driving myself crazy, again?

    What you've been told about feeding pertains to soil..........coco should be fed daily to run off. I start around day 3-4 from sprout.......never plain water. Lower your's stretching. Are there drain holes in the cup? Do you empty the saucer of the run off, or do you let the cup...
  3. MickFoster

    Is this a Silly Idea?

    Appreciate the input, however you guys are missing my point.
  4. MickFoster

    Is this a Silly Idea?

    I've grown both photos and autos together as well and never noticed any difference in plant size or yield. But that's just me I guess.
  5. MickFoster

    Is this a Silly Idea?

    I understand all that, and I know an extended light cycle can produce more bud. But my point is..........2 plants, one auto and one photo. Both have the same veg time, flower time, and light schedule. Why do people say growing photos and autos together is a bad idea? Won't the auto produce...
  6. MickFoster

    Mother earth nitro bat

    Dry fertilizer in coco is not a good idea.
  7. MickFoster

    Am I driving myself crazy, again?

    Based on your other thread, you're in coco. Is your coco buffered? What size container did you start in? What's your feeding schedule? Never give plain water. A pic is much needed.
  8. MickFoster

    Is this a Silly Idea?

    I appreciate the response, however it didn't answer my question. In my question both the photo and the auto had an 8-10 flower time.
  9. MickFoster

    Is this a Silly Idea?

    I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I have a question that directly relates to the thread topic. If you have one photo and one auto, and you start the light schedule at 18/6..........theoretically they would be approximately the same size after 4 weeks. You switch to 12/12 at 4 weeks so the...
  10. MickFoster

    Is this a Silly Idea?

    I could do 2 grows from start to finish in 8 months. 8 weeks is too long as well IMO........I veg for 4 weeks.
  11. MickFoster

    Is this a Silly Idea?

    I've grown photos and autos's never been an issue.
  12. MickFoster

    Is this caterpillar damage?

    I'm no bug expert, sorry. I suggest you look under the leaves with a strong magnifying glass to look for bugs.
  13. MickFoster

    Is this caterpillar damage?

    Gnats don't eat leaves.........they lay eggs in the soil, and the larvae eats the roots. You got some kind of bug, but it's not caterpillars or gnats. Good luck.
  14. MickFoster

    How Tall Do You Let Seedlings Get Before X-plant To Pots From Tray Cells ?

    Transplanting these is going to be a challenge. There are not enough roots at this stage to hold the soil together.......meanwhile they're stretching to a dangerous height without some support. Lower your light to stop some of the stretch. If and when you transplant, bury most of the stem...
  15. MickFoster

    Pre flower stage?

    Why are the leaves wet?
  16. MickFoster

    No Side Branching

    Bend the stem to a 90 degree angle.........this promotes side branch growth.
  17. MickFoster

    New here. This is my golden tiger grow

    Do you guys think those buds look good? They all look like they've been over fed and burnt.........just my opinion.
  18. MickFoster

    Need help plants look burnt

    I would start over..........after doing substantial research. Good luck and welcome to RIU.
  19. MickFoster

    Something I can be doing better?

    We need more pics.