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  1. MickFoster

    Root rot in coco

    Good luck with that.
  2. MickFoster

    Is this a male??

    As long as there are two hairs coming out of's a female trait........not male.
  3. MickFoster

    Root rot in coco

    What makes you think you have root rot? I've been growing in Canna coco for decades and feed daily...........I've never had root rot. Do you feed to substantial run off?
  4. MickFoster

    Make or female

    Big balls.......kill it.
  5. MickFoster

    Honestly looking for a few opinions

    They look perfect........well done.
  6. MickFoster

    My second windowsill grow. Hoping to learn from the mistakes of my first one...

    Steve needs more soil to cover some of the elongated weak stem. I would top first before doing lst.........but that's me. Why would you give 3 of your 4 plants male names?
  7. MickFoster

    What are the most legendary strains?

    Acapulco Gold.......the 60's.
  8. MickFoster

    ILGM. is a ripoff

    Sounds like grower error to me.
  9. MickFoster

    HELP! Dying plant

    Didn't you start a thread yesterday with the same question? EMERGENCY! one plant is dying
  10. MickFoster

    First grow are my plants an ok size?

    They look good! Well done for your first grow and welcome to RIU.
  11. MickFoster

    trump assassination attempt? 2024

    The shooter was a registered Republican.......LMFAO.
  12. MickFoster

    trump assassination attempt? 2024

    She orchestrated
  13. MickFoster

    trump assassination attempt? 2024

    You're right........I just saw the clip.
  14. MickFoster

    is this male or female?

    I see no distinctive signs of sex.
  15. MickFoster

    is this male or female?

    Can't tell from that pic........take one a little further away so it's not blurry.
  16. MickFoster

    about too transplant what do you all think

    Regardless of the fact that they are severely stunted.........they are nowhere near ready to transplant. Wait until they are about this size.
  17. MickFoster

    Browning Leaves

    We need more pics.