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  1. MickFoster


    Clarification: When I said start feeding from the top daily........I didn't mean to keep the rockwool completely saturated.......I meant pour the nutrient solution around the rockwool and keep the hydroton saturated. That's after the roots have poked through the bottom of the rockwool. I would...
  2. MickFoster


    Make sure the rockwool is moist but not wet. Start feeding from the top.......make sure the hydroton stays wet around the rockwool for the roots to grow. It won't hurt to do it several times a day. Continue feeding from the top until the roots reach the reservoir. Very light nutes at this point.
  3. MickFoster

    Need help please

    You got nanners. You can see a couple in pic #6 post #2. Obviously there are more........they're sneaky little buggers. And thanks for not loading full size pics.
  4. MickFoster


    Hello and welcome.
  5. MickFoster

    Dealing with Politics and Family

    Putting trump aside.........I can't for the life of me understand why anyone with any sense of morality wants to be a member of a political party that spews nothing but hate, in which every racist, bigot, and asshole in the country belongs to. Maybe that's just me.
  6. MickFoster

    Kamala Harris Launches Her Campaign for President

    Misogyny at it's worst. :spew:
  7. MickFoster

    Kamala Harris Launches Her Campaign for President

    I imagine most of the world is worried about the traitorous dictator trump and American politics.
  8. MickFoster

    Is she okay?

    Seems to be.
  9. MickFoster

    White spots on leaves?

    Spider mites.
  10. MickFoster

    Kamala Harris Launches Her Campaign for President

    My new coffee mug........looking forward to drinking coffee in the morning.
  11. MickFoster

    poor things

    That plant is fried.......not sure if it will last another week or two. What did you do to it?
  12. MickFoster

    1st week seedlings

    A little late in the year to start an outside grow isn't it?
  13. MickFoster

    1st week seedlings

    What hemisphere do you live in?
  14. MickFoster

    Deficiency? Toxicity?

    Good luck with that.
  15. MickFoster

    Fastest way to grow and try a strain.

    180 ppms isn't bad.........if you can drink it, so can your plants. Flowering time takes the same amount of time regardless of the size of the plant.
  16. MickFoster

    Fastest way to grow and try a strain.

    Why don't you use your tap water?
  17. MickFoster

    New at growing

    Growing in a window will only produce a stretched and spindly plant. It's ok if you're experimenting, but if you're serious about growing you'll need more light. Are they all in the same cup? What's your medium? You can give the stem some support by filling the cup with more medium.
  18. MickFoster

    Deficiency? Toxicity?

    Your pH going in is a little high for coco........should be around 6.0. What is your feeding schedule?
  19. MickFoster

    New at growing

    Lower your light for starters to prevent stretching. Tell us more about your grow and welcome to RIU.
  20. MickFoster

    Whats your opinion of coco

    Yes.....but it's feed, not water. Takes me about 1/2 hour a day........if you can't spare 30 mins, coco's not for you.