been there too.
it was stress.
stress destroys health. and relationships.
took me a few years to eliminate stress from my life.
now i live a peaceful happy life.
dexr0420 - get on your bike. get back into your jogging and yoga. in a few days you'll notice you feel better.
i think i was scared of Mumm Ra, Bluto, and Skeletor when i was a kid.
kids are stupid like that though.
i remember that Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. i loved it.
but i didnt like the big dragon with the 5 heads (Tiamat) - it should be on the list...
so did u smoke it?
if it had that "skunk smell" then i bet you got stoned. ;-)
next time don't pay so much.
and if possible, you should learn to grow your own. Nirvana Northern Lights seeds are easy, and give great skunk buds.
yo victim26
i've seen zeitgeist. it changed my life.
9/11 was an inside job.
7/7 (in london) was an inside job - some of my friends were within a few hundred meters of those bombs but they are all ok.
u shld watch "Death of a President".
and buy a sniper rifle incase you're ever within 600...
78 plants for personal use?
yeah right!
i bet the kid was supplying half his town.
it's just a shame the cops caught him.
i think everyone should grow their own home grown. 5 or 10 plants should be fine each year.
New World Order? you need to see zeitgeist:
i like meditating and sleeping when really really baked.
Oh and I played the beta of Call of Duty: World at War (great game)
Games like Call of Duty make you realise how tough it must be for the marines in Iraq/Afganistan.