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  1. 420

    Best Sites When Stoned

    nice site - i love the art
  2. 420

    Strongest strain in the world? WW? NL? something else?

    true. the best buzz comes when we're feeling good. once i was with a friend and cousin up on a hill in vancouver. friend rolled a little one and we each had about 3 puffs. got sooo stoned we called it a "super joint". never had a smoke like that before ;-)
  3. 420

    How often should i water my seedlings?

    yeah? where did u learn that?
  4. 420

    Great Stoner Quotes

    my grandma wondered how fax machines work. she asked me, "how do they roll the paper up and send it down the wires?" funny!
  5. 420

    Mind Bender For You High Thinkers

    nice question. got anymore mind benders?
  6. 420

    Mind Bender For You High Thinkers

    yeah i like that
  7. 420

    Funny As Hell, Cop Smokes MJ Calls 911

    yeah f*ckin cops. i got strip searched flying into Vancouver last summer. they didn't find shit cos i wasn't dumb enough to be carrying any weed on a transatlantic flight. ass wipes found a rolling mat and some tobacco in my suitcase and decided to give me the full body search. he was on some...
  8. 420

    What you listening to right now?

    iTunes Ambient Radio broadcast: Groovera presents Jet City Lounge
  9. 420

    Nirvana seeds

    yo i want to try some of that Fuck You Bud once u've made it ;-)
  10. 420

    Nirvana seeds

    nice u've got quite a collection ;-) i'm baked now. too baked to write anything intelligent
  11. 420

    Favourite munchie food?

    Galaxy Caramel chocolate - that shit is nice ;-)
  12. 420

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    £150 an ounce from my man in Ilford
  13. 420

    Nirvana seeds

    zekedogg, which strain did u get from Nirvana? as long as i get some fat potent buds i'll be happy ;)
  14. 420


    that's so true. have one bong too many and it feels like your brain has been hit over the head with a sledge hammer. sometimes i had no idea who i was. or how the fuck i'd make it back to reality. but luckily that shit wears off in about 15 minutes.
  15. 420


    yeah salvia is pretty potent and in the UK it is 100% legal. i've had some crazy salvia trips. and acid trips. and mushroom trips. but i don't do that shit anymore ... i prefer to smoke weed, cos it's much easier to steer my consciousness through weed and meditation.
  16. 420

    Love your plants?

    yeah I'll be pissed off if Lucy turns out to be a gay-boy. 2nd gen, sorry to hear about your 2 deaths today. may they rest in peace ;-)
  17. 420

    Strongest strain in the world? WW? NL? something else?

    this image shows how THC levels vary over time for male and female: hmm i dunno if i can wait that long before i start smokin mine. ;-) maybe i'll harvest 1 plant early and let the others grow for longer.
  18. 420

    Love your plants?

    lol nice :-)
  19. 420

    Strongest strain in the world? WW? NL? something else?

    yeah 27.3% on the THC Laboratories Sex strain seems so very high. Hmm ... maybe I'll try that in the future. Also I read some article this week which showed that THC levels are higher from buds which are further up the stem towards the top. And it said that neighbouring plants of the same...
  20. 420

    4:20 am

    nice i'm gonna roll another