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  1. BobCajun

    cannabutter question

    I would extract the plant material with alcohol and then just mix the finished extract with the heated oil, because food oils are not very good as solvents, too viscous even when hot. Even glycerol, which is an alcohol but a viscous one, takes weeks to dissolve most of the cannabinoids. Also...
  2. BobCajun

    Iso Extract From Fresh Frozen Pic

    Though I had put that extract in the freezer for storage right after I made it and it was still gooey, I noticed that the utensils I had used to scrape it off the glass container had some adhering to them and that it had "set up" into a solid form later, so I took the rest of it out of the...
  3. BobCajun

    Iso Extract From Fresh Frozen Pic

    Here's what my extract looks like. I posted about it on another thread about a week ago, but that time I accidentally bought 70% iso instead of 99% so I had some ice issues but this time I got the right kind and it went smoother. As I described earlier but will repeat here, I take fresh bud...
  4. BobCajun

    Removing chlorophyl update

    You're quite an artisan. I've never made bubble hash myself, just never bought a kit, didn't think I would get much yield and they were costly. I wish you well in your endeavors, you seem to be making good progress so far. Actually, me living in a legalized nation, Canada, I'm actually getting...
  5. BobCajun

    Removing chlorophyl update

    Turned out great. Most of it drops out after a day and I leave the poured off liquid to settle out longer in the fridge in another glass container, can get a few grams more. It wasn't green at all, very light maple fudge type color, and the aroma was the best yet. Drying weed definitely reduces...
  6. BobCajun

    Removing chlorophyl update

    I found out why there was a bunch of ice, I bought 70% iso instead of 99% by mistake. That's why it seemed kind of thick pouring out, almost syrupy. Oh well, seems to have worked anyway.
  7. BobCajun

    Removing chlorophyl update

    I just did the drip. What happened was that I left the column/jug sitting in there for a few hours to drip out and ice had formed in the solution, it was like making apple jack, you could pour the alcohol off and the ice was left behind. However, the way I do it is to precipitate the resin out...
  8. BobCajun

    Removing chlorophyl update

    Wow that really is unusually light colored. Supercooled alcohol extraction appears to be a major improvement, though inconvenient unless you own a lab freezer. Something I'm trying next is extracting fresh bud that was stuffed into a gallon spring water jug with the bottom cut off, as the...
  9. BobCajun


    Best to let it evaporate at room temperature anyway, then just heat the extract itself if you want to decarb it. Heating flammable solvents in your home is rarely advisable and heating extract while dissolved in alcohol rapidly degrades it anyway, bad idea all around.
  10. BobCajun

    Is this a girl

    Remember that LSD you took a few hours ago? Kidding, I just don't see anything other than pointy female flowers.
  11. BobCajun


    Kind of have to buy acetone in a hardware store though, it's not pharmaceutical grade like 99% isopropanol or food grade like high proof liquor. Those are the only solvents that are clean enough and that can be obtained conveniently. Iso has higher toxicity but how bad can it be if it's sold for...
  12. BobCajun

    Is this a girl

    No it's easy to tell, you can see the female flowers easily.
  13. BobCajun

    Is this a girl

    Female, no question.
  14. BobCajun

    Is it normal at this point of flowering weed doesnt get me high

    Simple explanation, plain bud is weak at the best of times, much less when it barely started budding. You would feel it if you had no tolerance at all, hadn't smoked anything for a few weeks. Weed is really only good for putting a little in a pipe to put a drop of extract on top of, it's perfect...
  15. BobCajun

    Just Tried Acetone Extraction, worked well

    I've used it when I couldn't get isopropanol, but it's a bit cruder a product. Iso is the best solvent I've used, beats ethyl, it's less polar. Apparently ethyl acetate is a good one, but costly and not easy to source conveniently. Since it doesn't mix with water you could extract fresh bud with...
  16. BobCajun


    You just make regular weed oil, with alcohol. Nothing special about Rick Simpson oil, other than he used toxic solvents. Then to use the weed oil you just mix about 1/3 of a gram with a small amount of vegetable oil, by warming it in a microwave for a few seconds. Olive oil works well and is...
  17. BobCajun

    Looking for Guidance on making Rosin with my press, and turning that into Vape Oil

    One more thing I should add, smoking extract in a vape pen is probably just not a good idea. It's not even a good idea for smoking nicotine. Smoking glycols is definitely bad for the lungs, and so is smoking terpenes. Terps are actually quite hazardous to lungs, if you read the MSDS for them...
  18. BobCajun

    Looking for Guidance on making Rosin with my press, and turning that into Vape Oil

    Not much to the alcohol extraction really. Some people do it frozen but last time I tried it room temp and it came out okay but did need the winterizing, quite a bit of wax dropped out. Doesn't matter much if you intend to winterize anyway, the freezer method is extra trouble for not that much...
  19. BobCajun

    Looking for Guidance on making Rosin with my press, and turning that into Vape Oil

    Yeah in fact you could actually just extract the material with alcohol but since you already bought a press I thought you might want to get some use out of it. And yeah you could press the material as is, just it would be a lot of volume to deal with. Most big producers make kief first to get...
  20. BobCajun

    Looking for Guidance on making Rosin with my press, and turning that into Vape Oil

    You would need to clean out the gunk from the rosin by winterizing with alcohol, putting it in the freezer at lowest temp for at least 2 days. To make the rosin I would first make kief, an easy high yield method being to shake it in a bubble bag with chunks of dry ice, as explained here. If you...