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  1. BobCajun

    science of "jar tech"

    Rosin is so crude that I guess heating and oxidizing it for several days makes it less objectionable to smoke. Obviously there's a bunch of air in the bottle so it's just oxidizing it while also preventing evaporation of the water and terpenes because the bottle is closed. There's no "curing"...
  2. BobCajun

    Refluxing columns for producing 190 proof ethanol

    I considered distillation to recover isopropanol but concluded that it just wasn't worth it, a whole lot easier just to keep buying it fresh. As this thread says, you would need a column type distillation rig to get high ethanol content, a water purifier distillation unit will only get the...
  3. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    That's your response to "it's pure THCA"? Okay, Professor.
  4. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    So what's your yield per sq ft?
  5. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    So you don't believe that shining light upward from the top of the pots won't increase weight, because plants don't have chlorophyll on their undersides? Have you heard that leaves can turn toward a light source? I know it's shocking, but nonetheless true. It's fucking OBVIOUS that bottom...
  6. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    So I just imagined that I've been getting a pound from a 3' x 1.5' area since I added bottom lighting whereas I was getting about half that before? Damn, my imagination is remarkably realistic. And your ass looks like it's very high lipids. There ain't no lipids in my cookies, Ghosty, that's why...
  7. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Isn't it fucking obvious that resin with all water solubles and solvent washed out of it is going to be superior to unwashed crude extract?
  8. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    So you think the above does not sound like you being a "dick"? First you called my resin cookie a "cow patty" then you said I was "fucking around for no obvious gain", then you topped it off by referring to my process as "playing around". And now you point me to your technique on another thread...
  9. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Only if you want double the yield and highest quality extracts, otherwise maybe not.
  10. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Okay, so what terpene boils at about 70 C. Rosin pressing actually subjects the resin to higher temps than me microwaving until resin chips melt. There's a lot a terpene freaks around these forums. It's good to have some, for aroma and flavor, but some people are getting ridiculous about it...
  11. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    I don't recall insulting anyone. If you took it as an insult then that's your personal interpretation. Why would I have to explain why my tech produces superior product, isn't it obvious that removing all water solubles would be a big improvement? When's the last time you washed your extract...
  12. BobCajun

    water distiller to recover everclear and make hi grade oil

    I noticed some old posts I made in this thread where I said I preferred acetone over isopropanol. I changed my preference since then. When done frozen, iso extraction is a lot better. Acetone is also hard to get in high purity form while iso is readily available at pharmaceutical grade. Iso is...
  13. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    The point of it is to make the highest quality extract possible. Now if I was a person who wanted a crude product I would use a previously existing method, but I don't so I developed my own superior method. I'm not a lazy copycat who will smoke any damn thing, so I'm willing to put the ectra...
  14. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    This shows how the cookies get more crystalline over time. The one on the left is only one day after making and the right one is two days. By the way, I mentioned something about D8 earlier, which someone else said they could get for $2 a gram. I searched and I don't see any online shops...
  15. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    The second one came out a little better. In total I got 51 grams out of the whole batch, the last one was actually only 27 grams, I said 30 before but I weighed it on the paper before I peeled it off, just to get a rough weight, I weighed the paper later and it was 3 grams. This one was 24 by...
  16. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Pile of resin chips scraped off glass container. After melting in microwave, stirring and cooling. Looks a little rough because I didn't completely melt it, just got it partially melted and then mixed the rest of the chips into it. One part in the middle will liquefy and bubble while the rest...
  17. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    That resin cake I made last time didn't turn out quite right, it didn't solidify completely, I guess it still had too much moisture in it. It's not easy to get resin to solidify properly. I did get a small amount to solidify perfectly but then the rest never did work so I decarbed it instead. I...
  18. BobCajun

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Oops, I did it again, I made another pancake, this one quite large. By letting the plants hang for 24 hours the volume was reduced enough that I could stuff the whole batch into a single gallon size spring water bottle with the bottom cut off as a dripping column. The amount would have been...
  19. BobCajun

    Anyone ever work with fresh frozen??

    What makes it different from most is that I press fresh bud down into a "column" and then freeze the whole column overnight. The dripping is just pouring iso in until it drips out and pouring more when the dripping gets slow, until I have poured in a total of about 1500 mls for what would be...
  20. BobCajun

    Anyone ever work with fresh frozen??

    Yes, I worked with fresh frozen, and I perfected it. You know the "live resin" they sell in shops in legal states for high prices? Well from the pics I've seen it's sucky compared to the product I end up with by starting with fresh picked buds. Why do I say it looks sucky? Because it looks gooey...