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  1. CrazyChester

    any other hobbies?

    I love playing with my bands And collecting and building guitars.
  2. CrazyChester

    Big Ass Potato From My Garden!

    Grease the skillet lets have some pan fried tatters. Either that or you could try to sell it on ebay.
  3. CrazyChester

    Why does my stuff dry darker.....

    I put some cilantro wrapped up in a little cheese cloth to add a little moisture. It really put a nice spicy flavor to the weed. I only did about a quarter oz with the cilantro and loved it.
  4. CrazyChester

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    BIG difference. It makes since that as the volume of material becomes less and less the concentration of the active ingredient become greater per cubic cm. Not to mention the improved taste.
  5. CrazyChester

    Biggest, Meanest, Fattest Cola.

    I like your frame of reference. I'm not even in the running but since we're playing "show me yours, I'll show you mine." Here's mine.
  6. CrazyChester

    night chat

    Yeah, I just banged a bong. I didn't even use any foreplay. Just put my mouth over the hole and smoked her.
  7. CrazyChester

    Well i just got caught...

    I'm guessing you might get evicted from the dorms. Its bad PR to have students busted in it hallowed halls. Let's hope it something simple.
  8. CrazyChester


    Shrooms, I grew them back in the 70's. I had a great mycelia growing got about 4 harvests then the fruit flies got into the mycelia jars and that's all I want to say about that. Best high I've ever experienced, bar none.
  9. CrazyChester

    Robert Plant

    Perfect name for a Marijuana forum. I'm watching RP on Soundstage, What a fantastic show. He's still got it!
  10. CrazyChester

    Accomplishments In Life!!!

    I'm rich but I don't have much money.
  11. CrazyChester

    Man I'm f...edup

    I agree, I've seen every one of them. I loved the one where Michael and Dwight punch it out at the dojo. The one where dwight tries to take Michael's job is some funny shit.
  12. CrazyChester


    Used to when I was younger, but never now days.
  13. CrazyChester

    Accomplishments In Life!!!

    You'd better believe they'd be glad to take your 80 grand and more if you had it.
  14. CrazyChester

    Man I'm f...edup

    The Office was great. So was 30 rock.
  15. CrazyChester

    Man I'm f...edup

    Now I'm chowin' on some dried cranberries with pistachios and chocolate chips. Pretty, pretty, pretty good...
  16. CrazyChester

    Man I'm f...edup

    This is the killer watch dog (Poppy, or Pops) I was wrestling with. Probably should call her a wrist watch dog or better yet an ankle watch dog. Never could qualify as a killer watch dog. Yeah, that's the ticket.
  17. CrazyChester

    Man I'm f...edup

    I just got through wrestling around with my little dog on the floor. Just before we started I took a couple hits from the ol' bong of some of my early harvest which is "smoke and joke" pot not "drool in your shoes" pot like my late harvest. (shit, I'm starting to sound like a wine snob) WTF was...
  18. CrazyChester

    Accomplishments In Life!!!

    I also wish I could play a concert with an audience of 20,000 or more. I've played for 2 or 3 thousand a few times and 1 thousand many times but 20,000 would be a real rush. The bands I play with are not up to that standard but I wouldn't mind sittin' in. I know I could pull it off.
  19. CrazyChester

    Accomplishments In Life!!!

    I would love to learn another language (like Italian) then travel extensively.
  20. CrazyChester

    BIG BUD harvesting help needed (with pics)

    How's the rain today? did you get the rest of your crop finished?