Man I'm f...edup


Well-Known Member
I just got through wrestling around with my little dog on the floor. Just before we started I took a couple hits from the ol' bong of some of my early harvest which is "smoke and joke" pot not "drool in your shoes" pot like my late harvest. (shit, I'm starting to sound like a wine snob) WTF was I sayin', (bong hits, wrestle,dog, early, late) Oh Yeah, after playing with the dog for about 20 minutes, I forgot that I took the first two hits and took 3 more of the late harvest (there's that shit head wine snob again). and now my shoes are all wet. Man I'm wasted.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha! I'm pretty baked right now myself. Doin some serious grinding on Oreos and Nutter Butters! I should have got the vanilla soy mik though, the plain stuff tastes like shit.


Well-Known Member
This is the killer watch dog (Poppy, or Pops) I was wrestling with. Probably should call her a wrist watch dog or better yet an ankle watch dog. Never could qualify as a killer watch dog. Yeah, that's the ticket.


Well-Known Member
Now I'm chowin' on some dried cranberries with pistachios and chocolate chips. Pretty, pretty, pretty good...


Well-Known Member
now im fucked up.
REALLY sativa , mild indica.

Now im watching The Office at my moms..
HA i love this show..

Ugh cottonmouth....this tea tastes good.



Well-Known Member
Ehh, i really dont watch TV unlesss im hanging out with my mom.
Mostly cause we just get high anf laugh our asses off.
And The Office, is a funny show.


Well-Known Member
I agree, I've seen every one of them. I loved the one where Michael and Dwight punch it out at the dojo. The one where dwight tries to take Michael's job is some funny shit.