Search results

  1. freemanjack

    LED and the Growing Environment

    OK, well, northern latitude here, hotish summers cold winters, can't give hard data as such but space is approx 30 sq ft x 5 high, about 600w of mixed white cob fixtures, fan cooled but open cooled into grow space, daytime temps around 27-30C nite temps around 15C with warm air from my veg space...
  2. freemanjack

    New light or not?

    Assuming your vero's are running around 40w each, those alone should be perfectly adequate to effectively cover a 3 x 3 space with around 2 x 2 of actual canopy and should return between 2 and 4 oz per cycle. It sounds to me like you could be harvesting too soon, have too small pots, or are...
  3. freemanjack

    Thermal Switch

    I'd say that depends on what you are wanting to protect, if you want to protect your cob's, then 70C, if you are wanting to ensure your rig don't burst into flames and burn the house down then 80C. Bear in mind the max junction temps are taken from the sensor point on the cob substrate, if you...
  4. freemanjack

    Thermal Switch

    Ok, nice little component, simplest way of implementation would be on the dimmer circuit of your drivers if you have dimmable drivers, if not it would need to be placed on the low voltage side of a relay. As to where and how many, at least one per heatsink, positioned central to the hottest...
  5. freemanjack

    UK shipping source???

    I built up a multi £K rig from test pieces over the years but I started out with a car halogen headlamp bulb, car battery charger and a 150W standard light bulb, then just spent the money I saved over the years on better kit. 30W led worklights cost about £20 a couple of those will do a small...
  6. freemanjack

    UK shipping source???

    If its for medical needs I would go for getting a micro-grow going, UK gangsta weed is terribly grown, full of nitrate fertilisers and barely flushed (if at all). CPS now has 'no tariff' for medical use below 6 plants, ie; you can still get your door kicked in and all yer rig taken but the CPS...
  7. freemanjack

    UK shipping source???

    Sorry, in same situation here, have even looked into how much basic analysis kit costs but it looks to be grands, way outta my little league UK prohibition laws suck.
  8. freemanjack

    Solar powered grow lights

    Ok gotcha, but this still ignores the fundamental problem of winter/low sun times, are you very near the equator or do you have any backup source of power? mains, generator etc, if not you will have to go with your solar minimum not the average. Even a large battery array will only supplement...
  9. freemanjack

    Solar powered grow lights

    If you are planning 24hr veging then @ 4.2hrs you could run around 200w but unless you have mains/generator backup, you need to look at your solar minimum rather than average, you will not be able to store summer excess for winter deficit so your maximum array size needs setting to your minimum...
  10. freemanjack

    Question about Rosin

    Freeze them for 48hrs then crush them while hard frozen, refreeze, recrush then sift thru a 220 micron bubble bag over a large clean surface, gather the slightly green keif into a jug, add a tiny amount of water and mix until its a smooth paste, then top off with water stirring vigorously. After...
  11. freemanjack

    Samsung F562B Linear Strip Build

    My mistake, I was reading from the spec list on mouser; **Output Voltage-Channel 1: 1 VDC to 10 VDC obviously mislabeled dimmer circuit the output voltage is only in the description at the top instead of listed in the spec. So each of those drivers could handle 12 strips in series @ 700mA. And...
  12. freemanjack

    Samsung F562B Linear Strip Build

    No, that driver looks to be a 10vdc output, you need a minimum forward voltage of 23vdc and 48 in series would need 1104vdc!!!!! I think you might need to start from electrical theory basics. If you want to drive 48 strips, work out the total wattage - Amps (1.12A) x Volts (23VDC) = (1236w) then...
  13. freemanjack

    Solar powered grow lights **The power generation rating of a Solar panel is also given in Watts (e.g. our part number STP010, is a 10W solar panel). In Theory, to calculate the energy it can supply to the battery, you multiply Watts (of...
  14. freemanjack

    Any UK LED Guys here?

    You will struggle to find a better uk stockist price for sinks, trust me, I've done the legwork. Personally, I like working with these sinks, despite preferring the 4ft extrusions (prior to the 300% price hike!) they can easily take 200w actively cooled so a pair of vero's will run full tilt and...
  15. freemanjack

    Hey fella, where abouts you at? if yer anywhere in the london/south east I'm always happy to...

    Hey fella, where abouts you at? if yer anywhere in the london/south east I'm always happy to meet up in person. Happy to help anyone setting up or converting from hps/agro-chems. I live end of the old kent road central london.
  16. freemanjack

    Any UK LED Guys here?

    ok sod those sinks from rs if they are gonna be dickheads on pricing, I've had most part of 200w active thru these; and am currently running one 29 at full drive current passive at pretty moderate temps on one in my main rig, nice simple 200mm...
  17. freemanjack

    Any UK LED Guys here?

    oh shit, wtf they have put the feckin price up 300% ffs I only last bought one of those a month ago for 27 plus vat!!! try that other supplier m8
  18. freemanjack

    Any UK LED Guys here?

    No m8 even RS do those 4ft bars @ £30 each including postage but their supplier is the other link, they can cut and thread to pattern and are likely to be cheaper than RS as long as you need more than £250 worth of sinks. As to voltage, the rig in the vid was a 36-40v cob set but my last build I...
  19. freemanjack

    DIY COB Build Electrical Safety Concerns

    All mains fixtures should be correctly fused, this means a fuse of around 10% higher value than your total draw current, ie; a 6A fuse for a 5A draw etc, this can be incorperated into the socket if you use IEC standard connectors or simply in the 2 or 3 pin plug on the other end of the cable.
  20. freemanjack

    Any UK LED Guys here?

    I run decent multi cob arrays in parallel, the whole series thang is a left over from maximally rated cobs, vero 29's can handle most part of 200% rated drive current so if one cob in a 3 cob array dies, the other two can soak up the excess amps without blowing. As to drivers, I use a chinese...