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  1. Farmer's Hat

    Day 30 Flower - FUNGUS ?

    Pictures always help...
  2. Farmer's Hat

    leaves drooping, curling, and changing color.

    Let the soil dry out before watering. Lift the pot, and if it feels heavy then it probably can go a few more days without water. If the pot is really light then you should water it. Do you PH your water? Are you using liquid fertilizers? What kind of soil are they in? Tell us about your...
  3. Farmer's Hat

    What's wrong with my plant?

    That first leaf looks like it symptoms of Ph fluctuations, and possibly magnesium. Your plant looks pretty healthy in those last pictures, so I would not worry about it too much. *Check the ph of the runoff water if you keep loosing leaves*...
  4. Farmer's Hat

    Is this mold?

    Powder Mildew for sure. It looks like its just starting...
  5. Farmer's Hat


    Hermie... CHOP CHOP. Or remove male calyxes, and be super attentive through the whole grow...
  6. Farmer's Hat

    First Grow. Tips and Advice Welcome!

    Looking good. I see 2 Healthy ladies. Good Luck
  7. Farmer's Hat


    Good idea. Remove, then reinsert once your soil mix is prepped and ready.
  8. Farmer's Hat

    hybridization and cross breeding

    LOL Those guys need to read a few books...
  9. Farmer's Hat

    When to chop?

    ^ I agree. Calcium deficiency
  10. Farmer's Hat

    i have a interesting plant should i chop

    I think you found the "nanners" Looks like it could also be a yellow leaf tip... pics are deceiving.
  11. Farmer's Hat

    Best soil mix for noob.

    Dr. Earth Homegrown potting soil.
  12. Farmer's Hat

    i have a interesting plant should i chop

    I figured it out.... Check the new signature. LOL
  13. Farmer's Hat

    Does this look like a ok greenhouse?
  14. Farmer's Hat

    i have a interesting plant should i chop

    How do I make this my signature? :D
  15. Farmer's Hat

    clones from a flowering plant

    When a flowering clone is put back into the vegetative state, the first few parts of growth will look strange. It is perfectly normal.
  16. Farmer's Hat

    What does it need?

    What soil is she in? How often are you watering?
  17. Farmer's Hat

    how long till ambers take over

    That plant got too much K... Its a decent grow. I would chop her now. Good Luck
  18. Farmer's Hat

    Autoflower | Dutch Passion | 26 Days From Seed| Possible Progressing Issue Diagnosing

    Looks like symptoms of Ph fluctuations... Quick Summary: Managing pH is crucial for cannabis plants to be able to take up nutrients through their roots. When the pH around the roots jumps up and down, it can stress the plant and cause brown spots to appear on the leaves. Spotting on the leaves...
  19. Farmer's Hat

    Orange Kush outdoors?

    Most strains do well outdoors. How well it does depends on how much you know about growing cannabis...
  20. Farmer's Hat

    Mars og week 8 of flowering. Help!!!

    sexy.... How does she smell?