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  1. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    It doesn't look kosher but had to say, definitely not hair from the flowers
  2. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    These hair should stay in your catch bags (220 or 190) and possibly in your 160 but none should be in the lower microns. You have to deal with water-ice-trims and timing ratio, more water, less ice not too much trims is a good start the timing is simple start with a 2 or 3 minutes and from the...
  3. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    It does to a point, you can see the process when you make Charas and let it age, when making Charas it is really hard to get rid of these hairs but after a few weeks they will disappear
  4. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Frenchy the Blackmailer!!! A blackmail done with photos of myself. Only a Frenchy could do that.
  5. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    That's how it looks coming out of the freeze dryer, temp too high at 120F, it melted the resin while retaining terpenes but I must have loss at such a temp and I am waiting for my 60F set up
  6. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Inspiration of the Day Fire OG
  7. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Thanks Happy reading
  8. Frenchy Cannoli

    If you could only get 1 TGA

    Vortex with no hesitation
  9. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    I use this thread to teach by answering questions so when there is no question it quiet down and I also started Instagram around that time which may also be a reason
  10. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    You don't have to collect the 45 at every wash if you work with the 73 but you need to wash it thoroughly every time
  11. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    You want a very large mesh and trims will pass through but worst case scenario you put it back if you feel that they have not been washed properly but it is generally not necessary
  12. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    You want as little ice as possible, the ice only crush the trims
  13. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    You don't want any type of filter in your working bucket it will hamper the flow and clog when you want to empty it
  14. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    The resin was kept in the fridge until I had enough patties to fill my dryer, and it was pressed once dry. A machine simplify seriously the whole operation
  15. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Full spectrum (45 to 160 microns) Coockies The resin was collected during my last workshop
  16. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    I thought it would help
  17. Frenchy Cannoli

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    You can just call and order, they are working on the Frenchy style bag page. I do press thin to be sure than every resin has burst open and is part of the mass