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  1. mccumcumber

    Ask beenthere here!

    Claiming that you're old, but still using dumb acronyms such as lmfao seems contradictory. I'm not even thirty yet (close though) and I find that shit to be immature.
  2. mccumcumber

    Ask beenthere here!

    How do you feel about Romney's foreign policy? I constantly see it argued that dems will make government bigger.. etc. However, Raegan made more government jobs than Obama has. What do...
  3. mccumcumber

    How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

    I have a hotel on boardwalk and park place. Anarchists destroy the hotel on park place. My monopoly is destroyed :(.
  4. mccumcumber

    Poor should have less fun, work harder.

    I'd tap that fatty for $50 mil. That way I'd be working harder, and not having fun.
  5. mccumcumber


    Well, I stand corrected. Didn't see that coming. Thanks for that Nodrama.
  6. mccumcumber


    You gonna cite that ? Or just look like a dipshit?
  7. mccumcumber

    The Reason We all will Vote for Obama in 2012.

    I don't really see what banning abortion does. If a women does want a baby there are plenty of alternatives to get rid of a baby that are harmful to the woman. Most of the people I know who have gotten abortions got them when they were in highschool and college. They told me that the clinics...
  8. mccumcumber

    The Reason We all will Vote for Obama in 2012.

    Obama a socialist aye? Could you define socialism for me. HINT: Fox News does not actually know the meaning of socialism.
  9. mccumcumber

    2016 The Movie

    Wait a minute... is this movie not a comedy?
  10. mccumcumber

    How many cases of rape result in pregnacy?

    You can't just keep stacking percents like this. Bad math.
  11. mccumcumber

    I have to give Obama credit...

    I wonder how many of the anti immigration folk could pass the test to get a visa. My guess is around 15%.
  12. mccumcumber

    Are You In?

    Livermore uses wind power and that's where UC Berkeley has their linear accelerator. So I would argue that yes indeed windmills are worth it.
  13. mccumcumber

    Goldman Sachs/GE now give more to Republicans

    Here's an article Nader wrote to the Tea Party, asking them some questions. I think you'll like question 8-10 Deprave, here's a little tidbit:
  14. mccumcumber

    The false left/right paradigm

    I can vote for whomever I want, Obama is still gonna win my state. Presidential elections are bs. More people should vote for a better congress if you actually want to see change.
  15. mccumcumber

    how to become rich

    Step one: Learn Ruby on Rails Step two: Get really good with Ruby. Step three: Show employers you're really good with Ruby. Step four: Sit back and enjoy your 100k+ starting salary job. Edit: Salary is dependent upon your area's cost of living.
  16. mccumcumber

    The big bash: 86 percent of Romney coverage negative

    Nice Avatar... The new OS Chronbuntu! Is Ubuntu still relevant, I switched from Ubuntu to windows 7 to mactastic, I need to see what's goin on in the linux front.
  17. mccumcumber

    Why I am voting for Romney

    Zing! I was waiting for someone to comment on the typo.
  18. mccumcumber

    Congress Finally Demanding Obama provide his "License to kill"

    Not that i agree with the B man doing this, but I think he's killin' them b/c of treason... and that's how he's gettin' away with it... I dunno. Edit: anyone know what the constitution says 'bout treason?
  19. mccumcumber

    Vote Ron Paul 2012

    I don't understand if you really just don't get it, or if you are being facetious. A simple search of Ron Paul returns this: Yes this is the only thread with Ron Paul in the title. No it is not the only thread that the conversation gets...
  20. mccumcumber

    Fuck the Police part 76

    Crafty indeed.