The Reason We all will Vote for Obama in 2012.


Active Member
So if Romney goes to war with Iran
That wont be a different result?
I'm not convinced that Obama won't go to war with Iran. He has been putting sanctions on them. Ron Paul has said that the sanctions alone are an act of war. I don't know about that, but Obama has still been as aggressive as any republican would be.

Obama has a skill in being a douche without getting called out on it. He bombs the shit out of Muslims yet has the reputation for apologizing to them, in fact some accuse him of being one.

He has the reputation for being a business crushing socialist, yet has been pro business. He passed his financial reform which won't actually accomplish much, but cooled flames burning against Wall Street. He's continued the SEC's policy of looking the other way, every czar and adviser he's appointed has ties to the industry in which they're overseeing, and his trade agreements have all given special rights to corporations.

He has the reputation for being strict on guns, but actually lifted the concealed weapons ban in national parks and killed the small arms treaty in the UN.

No one on this board is confused about his drug war position, but people less engaged still see him as being softer than previous presidents. I guess his rhetoric has been less harsh.

I don't know if it's the liberal media that hides this stuff or if it's the right that wants to characterize him as something other than what he is or if his speeches carry more weight than his actions or what.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Mitt Romney is a Mormon and as such Marijuana is a forbidden act much like Happy Hour in Utah has been.

We will vote Obama simply because voting for Romney is worse for Legalization and indeed much worse for National Medical Efforts.

Say what you like but we are choosing the lesser of two evils when it comes to Marijuana Legalization and the Republicans are not supporting Ron Paul's message of legalization!

So Vote Republican and Vote against yourself and all of us. It's that simple.

Any Counter arguments?

Spread the word. Vote Obama!
You're only concerned with your own selfish wants. This is the only issue? Obama was the only Senator who approved partial birth ( liberal medical term for premeditated murder) abortion. Obama believes in murdering 39 week 6 day babies.

My twins were born at less than 31 weeks and are healthier than many 40 week born. Obama is therefore unacceptable for any reason. One life isn't worth more than another. Obama is a sick fuck who gets off murdering babies.

He illegally bombed Libya because he was jealous of their free health care,free higher education, and no cost housing for all.

Obama is a communist tool who doesn't believe in property rights unless it's for him and his pals.

You liberals complain Romney is a corporate shill and immoral business man. Obama is the same, only a couple hundred million less successful.

Obama is against torture but doesn't close Gitmo. He renewed the Patriot Act you liberals hate and I also dislike even more. He allows the TSA to sexually molest little children.

No matter which metric you measure with, he lost more jobs, spent our way into more debt and can't even rally his own party to pass a budget.

Then he can't even be a man and blames Bush. Obama is a pathetic disgusting excuse for a President. I can't wait for him to lose to Romney, even though I don't like him at all. I just can't stomach rewarding our wost President since Jimmy Carter with a second term. Romney disgusts me, so I won't vote for him. I just hope those who do play the game pick Romney and when he fails too, maybe both sides can grow the fuck up and people will wake up to how much bullshit they all do.


Well-Known Member
You're only concerned with your own selfish wants. This is the only issue? Obama was the only Senator who approved partial birth ( liberal medical term for premeditated murder) abortion. Obama believes in murdering 39 week 6 day babies.

My twins were born at less than 31 weeks and are healthier than many 40 week born. Obama is therefore unacceptable for any reason. One life isn't worth more than another. Obama is a sick fuck who gets off murdering babies.

He illegally bombed Libya because he was jealous of their free health care,free higher education, and no cost housing for all.

Obama is a communist tool who doesn't believe in property rights unless it's for him and his pals.

You liberals complain Romney is a corporate shill and immoral business man. Obama is the same, only a couple hundred million less successful.

Obama is against torture but doesn't close Gitmo. He renewed the Patriot Act you liberals hate and I also dislike even more. He allows the TSA to sexually molest little children.

No matter which metric you measure with, he lost more jobs, spent our way into more debt and can't even rally his own party to pass a budget.

Then he can't even be a man and blames Bush. Obama is a pathetic disgusting excuse for a President. I can't wait for him to lose to Romney, even though I don't like him at all. I just can't stomach rewarding our wost President since Jimmy Carter with a second term. Romney disgusts me, so I won't vote for him. I just hope those who do play the game pick Romney and when he fails too, maybe both sides can grow the fuck up and people will wake up to how much bullshit they all do.
not only did the republicans blok the GITMO transfer
They bragged about doing so

1 we are bound by treaty to support NATO
2 Ghaddafi maybe should of though about being a little smarter about killing 200 american men women and children over scotland


Well-Known Member
I reject your premise that Marijuana legalization is the primary and only consideration in this election.

Obama has shown no regard for states rights. He is suing dozens of them over multiple issues including immigration, voter ID, etc. I dont see him in any way being better than Romney.

I understand. Yet, are not united for cannabis?
So, then, it's the lesser of two evils and there is no way around it.


Well-Known Member
Obama a socialist aye? Could you define socialism for me.

HINT: Fox News does not actually know the meaning of socialism.


New Member
a socialist does not take money from the people and give to corporations...a fascist? yes

a socialist society is one where assets are distributed EQUALLY to EVERYBODY

Fact: The USA has the widest gap in distribution of income of ANY industrialized country

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
He is a socialist from taking money I earned and giving it to people who don't deserve it.
Why do you want the government to control your lives? More 'free' shit?
Move to Russia or China if you want big government.



New Member
again, i repeat: taking your money (really, OUR money...through the federal reserve) and giving it to CORPORATIONS = FASCISM

NOT socialism

repeat as needed until it sinks into your head mmmkay?


New Member
if we all made the same amount of money we'd be socialists

EQUAL distribution of wealth

again, i repeat- USA=widest gap in distribution of wealth of any industrialized country


Well-Known Member
"If we re-elect Barack Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon. And if you
elect Mitt Romney, Iran will not have a nuclear weapon," said Romney.

Ron Paul strongly disagreed with his two rivals, stressing the need to go to
Congress before taking military action and saying it isn't worthwhile to use
military force against Iran.

"I'm afraid what's going on right now is similar to the war propaganda that
went on against Iraq," he said.

OH MY GOD, IRAN WILL HAVE A NUCLEAR WEAPON!!!! According to the controlled news you guys watch. They keep saying they have no intention of making a weapon or blowing anyone up but hey who cares what Iran says, what matters is what the Imperial machine says it is isn't it hey?

Not forgetting that the US has more nuclear weapons than anyone we should obviously trust them to save the world as only Amerika can...