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  1. mccumcumber

    epic win

    No, it's more like talking to your 20 buddies and saying: "hey, everyone wanna throw 5 on a keg." I'm not going on obamacare, I'm using the benefits for my private health care to keep future kids on my plan longer.
  2. mccumcumber

    epic win

    @been there I would agree I was failure if I was the only one receiving the benefits and I put nothing in. It's something I have to do anyway and I get something out of it for a smaller fee. I guess the way I view is it's probably gonna be around, and there would have been something else to...
  3. mccumcumber

    epic win

    Edit: I was just guessing with the whole baby thing. I doubt a county hospital in East Oakland, South Central, The Bronx, South or West Chicago... (insert more ghetto places here) has that good of a survival rate for newborns. I'm also guessing that really nice parts of South Africa, Morocco...
  4. mccumcumber

    epic win

    Maybe wealthy South African areas? Morocco, Egypt, parts of Tunisia? Compared to some shithole ghettos in the US. That's what I'd guess.
  5. mccumcumber

    To all bigots . . . i have ?'s

    Can't trust fatties either.
  6. mccumcumber

    Baseball is here.

    In San Francisco News... Both Zito and Lincecum pitched well there last outing, hopefully that lasts cause if so... hello playoffs.
  7. mccumcumber

    epic win

    Actually, I have a BA in Math. Edit: Pure math, not applied/stats if you were wondering. Edit 2: You still haven't told us what your degrees are in.
  8. mccumcumber

    epic win

    Being uninsured in college was so cool, I really hope my future kids can experience that too while their college costs spiral out of control. Fuck this Obama care letting me keep em on till they're 26. They gotta live life dangerously, just like I did.
  9. mccumcumber


    Hmm... Silicon Valley means nothing right? Oh wait! Silicon Valley produces more for the US than most other states' do... hrmm. There's more, but... I think y'all are just jealous cause weed grows great here, and you really don't have to do anything to get good plants.
  10. mccumcumber

    Why I should be President

    Any of them I guess? Were you a double major? Edit: forgot a letter.
  11. mccumcumber

    Why I should be President

    What's your degree in buddy?
  12. mccumcumber

    Why I should be President

    I dunno, Buck's platform sounds pretty nice. You have an amazing international policy theory. True we did fuck with other people, but you think by taking our shit out they're just going to forget about us. Nope. We kind of burned that bridge way too long ago. We've been fucking shit up in...
  13. mccumcumber

    CNN: Marijuana Contains 70% More Cancer Causing Agents Than Cigarettes

    I'm going to grad school for mj emission science, could I intern for you guys? I would like some job experience before going into the field.
  14. mccumcumber

    CNN: Marijuana Contains 70% More Cancer Causing Agents Than Cigarettes

    Oh CNN... Weigh a cigarette, unless you roll your own, you're smoking a gram of tobacco minus the filter. People who smoke cigarettes usually smoke more than one a day, lets go with 5 being the median (I'm sure it's higher). That's 5 grams of tobacco minus 5 filters to the dome. Now, If I smoke...
  15. mccumcumber

    30,000 drones will be spying on you within 10 years.

    You're not the sharpest tool in the shed... are you?
  16. mccumcumber

    30,000 drones will be spying on you within 10 years.

    I'll just shoot dem skeeters with my 44 mag like an American. I don't see the big deal, y'all some pussies.
  17. mccumcumber

    Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

    My popcorn nugs go straight to the grinder to be used for butter. I don't like trimming popcorn, but I love edibles.
  18. mccumcumber

    Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers??? ^What I was hoping people would look into after my first post.
  19. mccumcumber

    anyone that actually knows about breeding

    This is bio 101, it's really helpful if you want to consider breeding. Males have XY chromosomes, where as females only have XX. Since your father was a female that hermied it is still only passing on an X, obviously the female that took the seed has an X as well. So your seeds will contain the...
  20. mccumcumber

    Cooking super soil is possibly an unneeded step for clones.

    That's not necessarily how soil microbes work. You let the soil "cook" so you have a decent population of microbes starting to make use of the nutrition you have supplied. Furthermore, supplementing with a salt based liquid nute will only slow the process of "cooking" more. Put some salt on a...