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  1. Farmer's Hat

    Keeping outdoor plants in veg using artificial lights at night?

    You sir are a legend. Amazing crop!
  2. Farmer's Hat

    Clone issues

    Ive had a similar thing happen many times. They will recover once the roots really grow into the new soil. You can also make more of your own clones once the plants grow out. Its going to be fine.
  3. Farmer's Hat

    What in the world going on?? Cola growing from center of leaves

    Incredible. I learned something new today. Thank you.
  4. Farmer's Hat

    What dose this mean / are they ok ?

    What kind of soil are you growing in? What fertilizers are you using? How often? Looks like a classic nute burn.
  5. Farmer's Hat

    What in the world going on?? Cola growing from center of leaves

    Not just for me, but for everyone. Show us how its done.
  6. Farmer's Hat

    What in the world going on?? Cola growing from center of leaves

    Same. If its been done, I would like to see it. I could Photoshop an image for giggles.
  7. Farmer's Hat

    What in the world going on?? Cola growing from center of leaves

    I suppose a cannabis leaf (o_o) can be used for micropropagation (tissue culture). Perhaps I misunderstood the question
  8. Farmer's Hat

    Windowsill grow (with supplementary LED support) - defoliate / lollipop or not?...

    I dont have a ton of experience with autos, but it seems the general consensus is that its best if you dont top or defoliate an auto. It can stunt the plants growth and lower yield. Why are you considering defoliating?
  9. Farmer's Hat

    What in the world going on?? Cola growing from center of leaves

    I would like to see some pics of a cannabis leaf (o_o) with roots.
  10. Farmer's Hat

    How Much Yield for 3 Week Veg?

    Bout a pound.
  11. Farmer's Hat

    What in the world going on?? Cola growing from center of leaves

    That is unlikely. The leafs are not able to produce roots.
  12. Farmer's Hat

    New growth curling in

    It could be a mutation. Did it do this at all when it was vegging?
  13. Farmer's Hat

    New growth curling in

    Are you using any fertilizers? Looks like an overdose of fertilizer in my opinion.
  14. Farmer's Hat

    What’s this indicates?

    Tell us more about your nutes, growing medium, etc. Most likely a ppm issue.
  15. Farmer's Hat

    leave a song for the day

    Good vibes good song
  16. Farmer's Hat

    How much to remove

    Im not sure of this is helpful but it could be a form of mosaic virus.
  17. Farmer's Hat

    How much to remove

    That plant looks very peculiar. I suspect its some type of virus. Does the whole plant look like that? Why are you thinking about defoliating? If the plant is still growing, then the strange looking leaves are still photosynthesizing properly... I think?
  18. Farmer's Hat

    How to cure a sick plant?

    This year im trying to keep my plants at around 5-6 feet tall. So ive trained them to open out real wide. Ive grown 12 foot monsters in an industrial greenhouse, and it was a fun experience. (See pic. White Rhino in the front) I dont test ppm when I grow in the ground because I only use water...
  19. Farmer's Hat

    Nitrogen question

    I toss them on top of the soil. I dont mix them into the soil, but you can. Ive never seen any root damage. Im using some of those pellets for my current crop in the greenhouse, and the pictures would suggest that my plants look very healthy. My soil mix is pretty loaded with nutes and all types...
  20. Farmer's Hat

    Nitrogen question

    Ive used 10-10-10 slow release pellets. Works perfect if you use small amounts of it.