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  1. F

    How much longer shall i veg

    If not sure leave the snappen top in a container wuth water and bag it. I'll go home in 3h i'll break a stem off and show you with image how i'll attach it and i will send it here for you to see.
  2. F

    How much longer shall i veg

    Cut the main stem in a '' V " shape a cut the broken tip in a fiting match shap to fit in. And place it insids. Look at plant grafting cutting technic and find a sutable cuting. You can also do a wide angle cut on both and attach it with tape that isent to tacky.. I usually wrap a string 1 inch...
  3. F

    How much longer shall i veg

    Did it completly snap or is it still attache.. Depending on the size of the break. It can be saved most of the time. Show a picture and i'll explain how if its possible.. Thru grafting
  4. F

    Why is my plant growing like this?

    Yeah i think that might be what people reffer to it as for the passed decades. Super cropping. Works really great. You have to take on consideration that the plant dosen't stall on growth the first few days of healling. It creats hormone to make new apical dominant top on side branche and when...
  5. F

    Why is my plant growing like this?

    That would explain it.. Mine were put into the impression they were top when they weren't. And were top weeks and month ago.. Crushing the stems will cause the same effect that topping does over time.
  6. F

    Why is my plant growing like this?

    Lol maybe half a gollon of soil
  7. F

    Why is my plant growing like this?

    These started from seed on the 22second if september. And the seedling is on the 28 if soetember. I have remove up to 4 nodes complete defoliation on these and they had lower branche removed on most if them.
  8. F

    Why is my plant growing like this?

    And you are right your plant is a little small. My mother gave me some indica and your are the hight of those i've pop stems and topped.. While the ones i've only popped a little are maybe 6in taller then the ones i top..
  9. F

    Why is my plant growing like this?

    There is more that meets the eyes.. Its a question of root water and nut intake over photosynthèse activity. A lot of it is do to diffrent technique used for traning that plays with phytohormones, like auxin and cytokinin... Any training is good some better at certaing tgen other... In exemple...
  10. F

    Can a 630 watt CMH match a 1000 watt HPS?

    Some of the major breeders grow up gavw 315w phantom Ii and other like that in their grow space. I'm talking 1000's of square foit griw up.. But i would. Replace a 600w hps for a 315w cmh.. I would replace for same wattas. 2x315 for 600w. I'm actaully thinking of putting 2x315w chm (2 seperated...
  11. F

    2000 watts in 5x5 too ambitious?

    Wow okay. I was looking for something tottaly diffrent into lighting and i came across. This... I had to read... And laugh.. Lets all get it straight... All that bullshit about light is way over many's haed... 80w per sqare feet and 5x5... Lol... 2000w and hydro.. FOR FUTUR REFERENCE READ...
  12. F

    What happens if I don't cut my plant 2 months after it's done?

    Staart flowering 2weeks earlier. Harvest in febuary. Dry it before you leave. And cure it 2 months.. Make sure it well dry and have a bag of that 62's in it to keep humidity in check.. Have a trusted friend to pop it open weekly and shake it while you are gone.. Chance are he'll smoke some. But...
  13. F

    Carbon filter question

    It all depends on the micro holes within the pallets.. Anything rated for aquarium and water filtering (reverse osmoses system) should work fine. Look for these in bulk.. If they are pallet chance are that a lot of air will circulate between the pallets and not true it.. You could crush these...
  14. F

    *READ* 12 hours light, 14 hours dark

    You could juste get a far red light turn in on 5 minutes prior to 12/12 and your plant yould go into flower mode 55 minutes quiquer every day and it yiuld make it seems like you would have gaine almost 60 hours of flowering time without changing a thing... Takes about 1 hour of darkness for...
  15. F

    Is it ready?

    At this point it is smokable. But is it optimal. I don't think so. Does it look nice.. Yes it does.. Can it look better... In a week it will.
  16. F

    Is it ready?

    It's the first time i really here some one say... I really have to cut it in two days.. I would wait... Allways wait... Especially when everyone tells you to wait... This is your final product you are talking about.. What ever happens in 2 days... Put it on hold.. And if its you next batch pf...
  17. F

    Please help! My babies are sick!

    You can tie down your 3 highest cola to the height of the forth highest. Wit low stess at this point or by mild chiroparctice train (i would go hard on the cola.. Just hold the stem hard with one hand using finger and twist the stem with other hand to brake stem lightly inside so the stem become...
  18. F

    Please help! My babies are sick!

    Well onless you cal mag is irganic then yes you are. Everytime you and fertilizer to distilled water you had salt (salt is how you call Yes that how you remove salt built up. Don't get us wrong tho.. The process is called osmose. The nut and salt built up in and aroud the plant and that are...
  19. F

    Popular strains for Depression

    Hahahaa... Here is my data on it... 5 years ago.. My friends started a psylocybin grow out.. And i was doing canabis test and experiement. Anyhow we turn is appartment into a lab in a matter of months... Mo ths and months later police when to do a search at is place for something totally...
  20. F

    Canuk seeds?

    Yeah. They shippend my order withing 8h i had canada post sending me tracking info and i beleive the order should take me 2 openning days do to distance