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  1. F

    Do you check bud trichomes or leaf trichomes

    Too much light will give you a bleached bud on top.. No bleached bud. = no cause for alarm. The more light you can give your plants without damaging cytoplasme, the more energy stored it will have at night for flowering
  2. F

    Do you check bud trichomes or leaf trichomes

    Big scale comercial grow up aren't about the perfect ripe. Its all about timing yield and cashout.. It like comparing a mcdonald cheese burger to a gordon ramnsay cheeseburger... The yellowing is a nutrient depletion it equals a flushout...... To completely answer you question about the...
  3. F

    Please identify

    Peroxide will kill on contact.. But i would dilute peroxide and drenche soil to complete run off they rinse off. And would not recomend it in organic soil has it may kill beneficial bacteria as well. I would use neem oil to do a water drench insread. Let your soil dryout befor trying to ride of...
  4. F

    Top feeding

    Well it all depends. Technically there is not set amount requierment. When i top feed with organic fertilizer i spread a good amount all over the top and then mix it in the top soil.. Same for compost.. Less more often is better then more at once less often.. Start with a small amount and...
  5. F

    Help 8 weeks flower SOG 20 small plants

    Ohhhhh lalaaA... Flush that shit... Like last week from 2 days ago... I was not expecting this... But this is done ... I wouldn't worry about what dosent make it at this point... I would just focu on that flush.
  6. F

    Autoflower starting to flower early.

    Look well and freshly potted..
  7. F

    First Dry Amendments Grow, am I missing anything?

    Liquid fish fertiliser. Like muskies or anything organic. For the high nirtogen... Just do a good premix of amendment with everything dry and let it sit for a little while and transfert your seedling in it later (hot mix) ...or a light premix and top dress often. Some nutrient remain...
  8. F

    Autoflower starting to flower early.

    This is exactly 23 days from seed. Some are in training some have been top today. Same strain diffrent phenos. Im sorting them in hope to get a male from the 3 in front to breed with my bleuberry... The 3 in the back are the week link
  9. F

    Autoflower starting to flower early.

    If these image are 21 days post true leaf. You've got a probleme... I have a few phenotype that i'm selecting at they are 22 days since seed cracked open. They were out of the soil 17 days ago. And my weeakess seedling has more foliage then all 4 of your seedlings put together... Light might...
  10. F

    Is this hermy? Pls

    I do not know if it's genetic or if it's stress induces... I haven't tried over stressing my plant to self-polinate.. The first two image are clearly in a close polinating state. The last to image can be control and manageble to reduce seed formatiin by picking any '' male flower & banana...
  11. F

    Gaia green organic

    Organic soil doesnt create a salt built up deficiency. Nutrients usually breaks down into assimilable nutrient to the plant as decoposition happens. Its a feed the soil not the plant. (the living soil will then feed the plant). You can had lots of organic fertilizer to you soil and it will not...
  12. F

    Harvest or 72 hrs Darkness??? I'm done about unrelated topics. 72h darkness is good for nut depletion and energy stored to also be depleted. Nothing wrong with this technic.. Just no crazy yield boost or thc boost has many claims in my own experience.
  13. F

    Harvest or 72 hrs Darkness???

    I like the taste and smell of that
  14. F

    Harvest or 72 hrs Darkness???

    There is a diffrence between drying and curing. I'm not sure. If you fully understand the diffrents. Good cure remains fresh and never goes stale while in curing process if done right. Like i said i have over 20 years experience. Everyone knows patience is key. And long periods of curing has...
  15. F

    Harvest or 72 hrs Darkness???

    You probably will not find a decent answer to your question. But i'll leave you with this. Flowering developement happens during the night cycle (during dormancy) with the help of photosynthesis energy stored during day time. So harvesting 72h can help deplete all energy stored remaining. Will...
  16. F

    Gaia green organic

    I wouldn't even bother adding 25% 4-4-4 in last feed and would do this in my first feed of flowering instead.. The last month should be water only do let the plant deplete from ut available soil nutrient since there is still nitrogen in the 2-8-4 (1,82% insoluble nitrogen) which mean will be...