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  1. Sweeve

    yea i just double checked and i agree with miijade, thats weird. I have never seen that, and i have done some fem's
  2. Sweeve

    feminized seeds herm much more than regular seed, but u said u have not even put them on 12/12 yet ...... preflowering is kinda like 2 weeks away i wouldnt credit it to that, let it play out
  3. Sweeve

    In need of some assistance-3 plants(Lots of pics) Please help

    IMO plant 1 is fine, looks a little droopy though, prob from the transplant stress. The yellow on the leaves just means it aint getting enough sun, just prune them, and see if the problem persists. Plant 2, ..................i have no f**** idea bro, sorry, maybe someone else who grows outside...
  4. Sweeve

    Plants Struggling, Please help. dont want to lose my girls

    overwatering, a plant will look droopy just as yours does if it is overwatered. Wait until the top inch is crusty, about every other day depending on what light u r using. But, you are def overwatering
  5. Sweeve

    lower leaves turning up with spots [pics]. Whats the problem?

    with the info i just read and your pics, i would check the foil, maybe pull the lights away a bit, but not too far or the plant will reach. But, i dont know your ph, or nutrients so.............yeah