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    temperature vs humidity

    you could use a small vaperizor the kind they have for when you are sick
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    I am lost

    keep them moist in paper towel and baggy or put in soil and hope for the best there proplay ok but i would not but my life on it
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    Please Help!!! Newbie Rapid Rooter/Hydroton Question

    3-4 your basicly doiing and ebb and flow what your saying
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    First Grow

    very nice for first grow keep it up
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    can someone explain ppm and its importance

    if you out in the country collect rain water generly its very low ppms and ph in the acitaty or alkaline in the water or soil plants grow best in a certein range thats why farmers top dress there fields with lime to bring there ph up
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    Busted - time to cry :(

    did they take it for the personal comsuption or throw it out , and were they really really mad or just a little if just a little see if they can give you a little money so you can buy a oz sence you have nothing to smoke now
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    HELP, I'm new here .Basic growing facts please.. NEEDED BAD! :)

    as long as they get more then 12 hours of sun there in veg less they start to flower when startr to flower they need more p and k in veg they need n there not much difference then tomatoes
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    How do I build a system for growing clones?

    i think what you said would be a good idea i seen a simaler one on the internet but was made of wood clones on the two top shelfs they had clones but they cloned in domes
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    Help help help

    it should be ok if you rinsed it off good ang corrected the problems
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    Some hot bud porn for you lovely people!

    nice job looks good
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    How do you properly prune a marijuana plant?

    close to the ground when buds are ready
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    Clone Wars

    rusty right the only thing would do different is to trim fan leaves when cloning there not trimed in pics this helps with cloning
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    will doing this ruin my trichomes?

    try the h2o2 bath rince off good hang up get good air movement to get the moister off quiickly if dont want to try it take your chance on it the worst is that you have to through it out
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    PH drop in Hydro sys. HELP pls

    water and temp play a big role in hydro and if you cant get them were there need to be put plants in soil thats why most people grow in soil hydro is touchy but when mastered the plant produce fast
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    1st timer/ Are my ladies ready to be flowered?

    start with 1/4 strength what the bottle says then if every thiing looks good increase it next time
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    Newb in needs of help

    take it out side and plant it some wheres and hope for the best and go buy weed till your out of the nest
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    What's a good container for storing and pouring nutrients?

    i agree get a dispensing pump or use a turkey baster no need to romove nutes from contaner to another contaner
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    What Temperatures are ideal, and which are too HIgh?

    they say between 70-80 deg is optiumal for growing you can go higher when useing co2 cannabis absorbs more light at higher temps
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    DWC nutrient deficiency, pleaseeee help!

    ph to high get it lower around 5.7 look like your in a lockout
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    unrooted clones now bending--1 day old

    your temps fine they look ok to me now but if you think thers all lening the same way which is tores the light then put light directly over them