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  1. Cannabisworks

    Nutes help needed please.

    blinds taste test...hmmmmm..blind..i use a machine to see a quality diff. liitle more accurate than blind. bub. grow bible???...why would i read old info from early years that most isnt accurate anymore. now im getting why you cant open your mind. old man cerventes hasnt wrote it so its not...
  2. Cannabisworks

    Nutes help needed please.

    its not bad, its just not yours and you cant seem to handle that. if you can use its stored food up by flushing the medium so it weill use its own supplyt at the end any moron knows it helps the quality of the final product. more natural falvours terpenes.. burns cleaner and smoother. to me...
  3. Cannabisworks

    First grow. Curious if they're doing good.

    that wont hurt anything.
  4. Cannabisworks

    Downtown Kelowna store takes down controversial display

    whatever dood. you obviously just dont get and never will.
  5. Cannabisworks

    A question about plant enhancement products

    i still blame the shops. even when the consumer does the reads they always have a fast talking sales guy with big impressive words for new growers. its mostlky the new guys getting ripped of with 20 diff bottles of glucose even 10 bottles is lots
  6. Cannabisworks

    Downtown Kelowna store takes down controversial display

    again where in the fairy tales or other does it have coke for santa or xmas...
  7. Cannabisworks

    Downtown Kelowna store takes down controversial display

    all i see a bunch of insults by a few here not a conversation., its either we agree with the likers or were trying to be better than others..rediculous thought pattern and obvious nothing will make some see both sides. i dont see 1 bit of good to it.. guys going to most lilkly loose the...
  8. Cannabisworks

    Downtown Kelowna store takes down controversial display

    pot themes. one i own and others. buddies blogs. does it matter. they where all real life human beings. site content should effect our mentality.. and yes i see a few to many go to far with the free speech your not even on same page if you think it had anything to do with displays all together...
  9. Cannabisworks

    First grow. Curious if they're doing good.

    if they where under big lights i could see root issues but they have a slower root growth with smaller light. its hard to judge from above soil hight cause of the weeker lumens penetration so it will grow a bit taller. or slightly stretched compared to the hid light. so the above and below soil...
  10. Cannabisworks

    Downtown Kelowna store takes down controversial display

    some are just on a different page to what matters is all seems like. just hope non of them end up running our country or we`d all have to put up with that type of stuff. out of all the places i posted that. this is the only site that thought it was ok..kinda tells me something about some...
  11. Cannabisworks

    Tomatoes under HID

    google light cyles or seasons for tomato and see they dont regulate to times like cannabis does Tomato seeds germinate best at 80 degrees, and should be mostly up in 5 to 12 days. Remove any cover you may have on them as soon as they begin popping up. The fresh sprouts should be kept 4 to 6...
  12. Cannabisworks

    Nutes help needed please.

    this is why so much info has been miss understood or missinterpreted....
  13. Cannabisworks

    Nutes help needed please.

    i never said anything about food in the buds. you reading right thread?. it dosent remove it will allow the plant to use the stored foods that stoip the production of the chlorophyll, in the leaves. makes a better tasting smoke. thought we all knew that in our first year of...
  14. Cannabisworks

    Keep Failing At Cloning

    80 is say above but not what above..82..89? ok close the lids then open a couple times a day for few min to allow fresh air. opening or keeping it closed will be diff for all of us for our environment. alot of guys fail cause they try to hard to do what others do and we need our own...
  15. Cannabisworks

    Nutes help needed please.

    not what i meant. always flush at the end to get rid of alot of things and make the dry cute better. using anything more than water isnt needed is all i said but deffinatly flush them. smoking chlorophyl and other stuff is just nasty., your still using fake crap if you think that stuff works any...
  16. Cannabisworks

    Downtown Kelowna store takes down controversial display

    seems alot of crackheads here
  17. Cannabisworks

    ya this actually just happend, what would you do?

    well some have been there to know might happen. i dont think you posted to see ius say who cares sit n relax its nothing////lol/ maybe once you get doors kicked in you might be a tad more concered of what may happen was all. glad you got put it to
  18. Cannabisworks

    Cant sleep till I have an answer

    wasnt trying to argue dood. you had good info to. i am honest with myself. i wasnt comparing food crop or type of crop to what you think..pot growing or indoor is horti. outdoor farmland is agri. 2 diff worlds. sure some works the same., environment sure isnt to effect how things work thats...
  19. Cannabisworks

    Advanced Nutrients LIE on their labels...

    they used to have a researcher till they ripped him off to and he left about 10 or more years ago...and ya up on 6 person murder and importing coke...again. involved with UN gang. i posted the news info on that to but seems it was removed. guess someone was intimidated by it?? or worried of fall...