so cause i post alot i dont know what im saying??..ok makes total
only thing besides good info i said about he link was we arent growing corn., foods and the bennefit can be plant specific to. i totaly agree it or others may not work as labels or the user expects.
and i also said what the bennefit to me was way back on first couple posts. people seem to conecerned on this forum to cut others down or say its wrong and dont realy read the respomnces. to bussy runninjg to see how many posts the guy has. nit sure why its even a concern. how does my post count affect the info???
it helps chelate food. it saves me money by using less of other products. thats my bennefit....when i used that brand. some, depending whats in it will help me to naturaly adjust pH of my food mix as well.. your questioning lab results as well but your right and everyone else is wrong...never did get that either. the study you showed was how or if it or others items there improved agri crops and corns. we are horticulture and not growing corn.. some may relate but some may not as well.