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  1. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    same here, though i saw donnie brasco for the first time last week and wasnt that impressed.
  2. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i dont even have much to complain about right now. today is their last day of veg. ill put up a few pics tomorrow. i gave them 3.5ml of a and b per litre yesterday and it responded well to it. im wonderin should i bump it up to the maximum of five since theyre gonna shoot up in size in the next...
  3. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    ha ha good man kang!, i could have wrote that meself word for word. walkin fuckin disease bags. the girls are lookin well these days. my coco came today so ill transplant tomorrow and thursday will be the last day of veg. dublin indoor gardening give a good service to us online customers out in...
  4. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    fuck me what a finish to the premier league!!!!!!
  5. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i certainly am. i opened up the cabinet a few times today and yesterday and wafted some fresh air in there. silence of the lambs is startin on two now gonna watch that before anything else!
  6. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    do you lads use tor and proxy sites when watchin or downloading shit for free or do you bother?. the girls are lookin pretty good today.
  7. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    another growhouse found, this time in carlow.
  8. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    light cycle is 18/6. im thinking on flippin them next thursday theyll be 7 weeks in veg by then. i dont think air exchange is an issue, the cabinet is below the air vent and beside a window and ive a clip the clip on fan inside. theyre on 3ml per litre a and b and rhizo, 2ml per litre calmag...
  9. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    monday, tuesday at the latest. dont forget n****rs. he aint fond of them either. did you hear the voicemail he left to his ex- fuckin hilarious!
  10. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    interesting kang. im waitin on more coco before i can transplant. ill give them a ring now.
  11. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    cant see that video smiffy, im usin tor, maybe you could put up a link. the girls were actually lookin better this mornin than the pictures i put up. i gave them four litres with slightly less nutes and still no runoff!
  12. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    im just a shit farmer:)
  13. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    ha ha no polish plumbers, thats there cos theres nothin else for that fan to clip on to. my humidity was up a good bit the last few days with all the rain. the coco wouldnt dry out for me last week but this week its got a bit of a thirst. i last transplanted two weeks ago i dont think theyre...
  14. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    they werent drooping nearly as bad earlier today, but the coco has dried out. theres a bit of yellowing too but not as bad as the last time. theyre six weeks old now, god forbid they might be healthy and happy lookin before i flip them!
  15. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i dont know if you can do this where you are but i have ducting going out from the top of the cabinet up into the attic and thats draughty as fuck. for some reason i can get a whiff of weed for a small while after the lights and fan go off at night. it goes away fairly quickly. i hope its not...
  16. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    the girls responded fairly well to their last watering. the drooping didnt get worse in the hours after watering. i noticed a bit of yellowing on one leaf of one plant so im not sure whether to ease off a bit on the nutes when i water tomorrow. ill take a pic or two when the lights go off.
  17. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    another grow-house found in kilkenny, is that you smiffy:)
  18. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    you usin a carbon filter smokey?
  19. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i watered them today, i upped the nutes, ill put up a pic or two tomorrow. yours are flyin by the sound of it.
  20. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i watched extreme drug smuggling- mad stuff, especially the torpedoes that can be cut adrift of the fishing boat and picked up later.