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  1. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    iamaaror- do you think there would be any problem with using bloom nutes with A and B?. (like bloombastic)
  2. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    fuck me that fan is actually 280euro delivered.
  3. dave gilmour

    The UK Growers Thread!

    dont suppose you could put a link up to that?
  4. dave gilmour

    The UK Growers Thread!

    unusually sunny:)
  5. dave gilmour

    The UK Growers Thread!

    whats the craic?, just buttin in from the irish thread with a question. have any of you dealt with this crowd im askin cos a 200mm fan that puts out 19db for £89 sounds too good to be true, is it?
  6. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    no, but i might leave it on longer if i had a quieter fan. are you runnin yours 24/7?
  7. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    theyre cheaper here, look at the 200mm fan, its 19db and its £89. it sounds too good to be true doesnt it!!. humidity was in the 60s when i checked before lights out. i might leave the cab door open tomorrow, see...
  8. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    does anyone have any experience with TD silent fans im thinking strongly of gettin one, im almost put off by how cheap they are:)
  9. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    has anyone elses humidity been up in the seventies for the past five days or so?. im just askin for mould at this stage
  10. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    look at this shit that comes up when you go to irish seed bank where would i get some critical jack seeds?
  11. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    shamelessly copied and pasted from the uk growers thread Whitney Houston: Born 1963 - Dead Amy Winehouse: Born 1983 - Dead Keith Richards: Born 1943 - Alive Ozzy Osbourne: Born 1948 - Alive Moral of the story: Women can't handle their drugs
  12. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    ha ha you mean i was actually right about that!!!!!. now thats some funny shit
  13. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    cheers jaynormous. whats this about laser cards, i only got one a few weeks ago for knockin a few quid off the esb bill here and there........which reminds me!!!! 86 i looked up pictures of an 86, are they also known as twincams or are they different cars. by now you can tell my level of...
  14. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    let it be!!!!!!!!!. theyre still lookin good. the burnt leaves have recovered well too.
  15. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    well now that i think about it.the circulating and extracting fans were only goin for 12 hours yesterday so that must be what caused it.
  16. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    a few weeks ago i got a message from a "mjsmoker2012" tellin me about his new site, i didnt go to it cos it sounded like cat. i opened the cab this mornin and there were actual drops of water on the edges of the leaves and the humidity was up at 78%. whats that all about?
  17. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    what dosage of a and b would you reccommend? i gave them 4ml per litre for the first time today. i presume they are gonna be hungry for nutes since theyre gonna grow like a bastard in the next few weeks.
  18. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    iamaaror you lucky bastard, thats a problem i hope to have come harvest time. i dont think they were rootbound.
  19. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    first day of flower today, woohoo!!!. seven weeks of veg. theyre loookin a lot better than last week, i transplanted them too, the new coco seems like really good quality, to my untrained eye anyway. i still have white mould on the surface of the coco, will a spray of neem oil take care of it?
  20. dave gilmour

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    once upon a time in america is long enough as it is. but i suppose if youre stoned to bits it doesnt seem that long. i used to love watchin apocalypse now redux(3 and a half hours) while nicely baked!. youre probably right about increasing the nutes bit by bit.