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  1. Bumping Spheda

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    So you're tellin' me there's a chance...
  2. Bumping Spheda

    Is it possible to take apart a UFO grow light and rebuild in a custom shape?

    How many 10W'ers? Maybe 3, or 4 for that space. One or two of those CFL's would be kind of nice in there if you can deal with the heat. They'd round off the spectrum well, imo. pedrovski: Yea, the shipping is what gets ya when buying from VanQ. Kind of a shame, I should move to China and reduce...
  3. Bumping Spheda

    Is it possible to take apart a UFO grow light and rebuild in a custom shape?

    Yea, Panelata's low yields so far are disappointing, I was really rooting for him. I do suspect it's because he bought generic lights, like you said, though. Looks like they love the Blues, but the Red's just aren't cutting it for flower. And if you do go with the 10W'ers I'd love to see what...
  4. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    Ohhh. Pretty sure the heat sinks they use are these: There's a picture of it somewhere inside the link heckler posted, but without the fan. It's...
  5. Bumping Spheda

    Is it possible to take apart a UFO grow light and rebuild in a custom shape?

    There is a member who bought one of these recently. He's planning to retrofit just the LED inside of a 10W LED floodlight that he's already bought. Plug and play for him, but not the most cost efficient. Same thing, though, really. I don't think he's even received the LED yet, though, so there's...
  6. Bumping Spheda

    Is it possible to take apart a UFO grow light and rebuild in a custom shape?

    The LED driver will be for all the lights. Every LED has to be within wiring distance otherwise you have to buy new LED drivers and at that point (especially at that point, I should say) it doesn't make much sense. Not to mention you'll probably be paying a premium for a completely built unit...
  7. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    WIP photos of mine? Not much to really take pictures of, tbh. It's an LED, a CPU cooler, a reflector not too dissimilar from what's inside heckler's light there (a bit smaller probably... then again that light looks tiny, sooo), an RP lens... erm, a driver? Wait, did you mean a photo of the...
  8. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    Woot! Was gonna double post, but now I don't have to. And yea, Scotch, I'd like to see that panel go to work, too. heckler, we're heckling you to start a thread. ;) And the White film samples from both WhiteOptics and Furukawa have arrived. You wouldn't fuggin' believe the size of the samples...
  9. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    Holy, moly. That thing is small. Just reminds me of how oversized the heat sink on my 50W actually is. And I'm a little surprised that you can see those hotspots, that's kind of interesting. Now that you mention it, I'd like to see what the spectral mixing looks like with other panels in a...
  10. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    That thing is siiiick. If you end up liking it a lot I think you can make them for even cheaper yourself, although VanQ really gouges you on shipping so making more would be "better" than making less. Maybe you can even contact the guys that made your panel and ask them how much they'd charge...
  11. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    Hey, that looks really similar to the VanQ X4 series of lights. Cool panel! Who wants to watch you grow tomatoes? Idk, I kind of do. Same people following my thread, and/or people interested in that light you've got coming. Btw, do you mind me asking how much that light was?
  12. Bumping Spheda

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    Noooooo. I really hope things bulk up for you. Don't harvest too soon! Keep a close eye on those trichs. Damn it, though, if you're right that's really disappointing... Fuck. Noooooo. SOB... Your grow happened so fast, it seems, there's no way it's a week away from harvest. Hrm. Maybe if we...
  13. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    Your 2x50W LED? Is it a 100W floodlight that has two 50W LED's in it, or are you making spotlights yourself? CCT, custom spectrum? I'll be interested to see your grow, you should post a link to your thread if you have one since for some reason the forum won't let me do a search for your latest...
  14. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    Hey, thanks for the input. Well, yes and no. See the yellow flowers in those last pictures? Those aren't preflowers, those things are blooming. I didn't know tomatoes came in auto flower varieties (probably showing my ignorance here). I have no idea what kind of tomato it is other than...
  15. Bumping Spheda

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    Update on Kid. He's looking better today. I gave him a big watering yesterday after trimming more dried leaves. Today I gave him a little bit more water with some food in it. Trying to sort out his under watering and deficiencies that he's been dealing with. As far as I can tell his flowers...
  16. Bumping Spheda

    Help me pick a light for my small closet setup

    Not really sure on how to keep stretch down apart from having more Blue in your total spectrum. If you want my opinion I'll suggest having just a single light fixture that will make your plant happy full cycle. I was thinking your tent was 3.5' tall, so you're right, you do have a bit more room...
  17. Bumping Spheda

    Help me pick a light for my small closet setup

    That UFO is too expensive for what you get, but yeah, it'll grow. Since it's got Blue LED's in it, and since your tent is so short vertically, I wouldn't recommend it unless you were sort of hell bent on training your plant to keep it under or around 2 feet tall, and/or were very careful with...
  18. Bumping Spheda

    Grow Project : Sun_burns Every Summer !

    Hey, thanks. Shipping was like $4-$5 for me from digi-key, iirc. 75mm diameter, $6 before postage. 100mm diameter, $16.60 before postage...
  19. Bumping Spheda

    Growing Under White LED, Anyone Else Doing This?

    Can he just snap that tall one so it's horizontal?
  20. Bumping Spheda

    Grow Project : Sun_burns Every Summer !

    How big is the "center of your UFO," PF? You can cheaply get an RP lens from digikey in the 50-75mm diamater range and convert a lot of that Blue light into something useable. If you're thinking about just taping cardboard over them you don't have to worry too much about efficiency, mixing...