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  1. purplehays1

    buying small to medium amounts of coco coir...

    I have found that all plants need (in a good soiless medium) are NPK and micros, and they need them in the right ratio and at the right strength. Thus a product like maxi-bloom that is a balanced all around nutrient when fed at proper PPM works as well as any other mixture (for flower). Cal-Mg...
  2. purplehays1

    spider mites !! can peroxide fix this!!!!!!!!repppp rep

    U clearly have been proven wrong on both points, but i agree with your thinking, id rather use forbid than avid or floramite because it is much less toxic and highly effective.
  3. purplehays1

    Secret Jardin Lodge L90 Setup Help

    fan is probably still going to still clear enough air to make it work i bet, a 6 inch fan should be MORE than enough but never head of a 5 inch generally 4 or 6.
  4. purplehays1

    Secret Jardin Lodge L90 Setup Help

  5. purplehays1

    spider mites !! can peroxide fix this!!!!!!!!repppp rep

    4.2 Resistance management guidelines To prevent or delay resistance development it is strongly recommended to follow the IRAC (Insecticide Resistance Action Committee; 496 Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Bayer 58/2005, 3 guideline especially published for spider mites (Wege and...
  6. purplehays1

    spider mites !! can peroxide fix this!!!!!!!!repppp rep Spiromesifen was classified as having low acute toxicity via the oral, dermal and inhalation routes of exposure. It was neither an eye nor dermal irritant, but showed moderate potential as a skin...
  7. purplehays1

    spider mites !! can peroxide fix this!!!!!!!!repppp rep

    Vacuum is the best option when ur like 2 weeks from harvest, get in there and start vacuuming webs before they reach buds.
  8. purplehays1

    spider mites !! can peroxide fix this!!!!!!!!repppp rep

    Nah in veg throw anything you want at em. just dont spray anything once buds develop. If you have mites hit them with a systemic and a topical, like Avid and Floramite.
  9. purplehays1

    spider mites !! can peroxide fix this!!!!!!!!repppp rep

    Ok, so i googled your repoort and it nowhere says non hazardous to humans, you are just making shit up. As i said it is less harmful than many pesticides but still harmful to humans, thus the required PPE. DPR’s evaluation of...
  10. purplehays1

    spider mites !! can peroxide fix this!!!!!!!!repppp rep

    haha so u say u have read a tox report then cant produce
  11. purplehays1

    spider mites !! can peroxide fix this!!!!!!!!repppp rep

    where is this toxicology report?
  12. purplehays1

    spider mites !! can peroxide fix this!!!!!!!!repppp rep

    FORBID 4F contains an active ingredient with a novel mode of action. Studies to determine cross-resistance with FORBID 4F linked to other commercial insecticide/miticides have demonstrated no cross-resistance. However, repeated use of any plant protection product may increase the RESISTANCE...
  13. purplehays1

    spider mites !! can peroxide fix this!!!!!!!!repppp rep

    You need to be very careful what you are telling people. Saying things like "It was found as "non harmful to humans" is very subjective. Forbid is not supposed to be used on any plant that is for human or animal consumption that cannot be thoroughly washed (are you washing your cannabis?). ...
  14. purplehays1

    spider mites !! can peroxide fix this!!!!!!!!repppp rep

    Forbid, AVID, Floramite and Spinosad are all effective against spider mites. BUT If you have spider mites that came from another cannabis grower there is a high likelyhood they are resist to these products and have bred through multiple treatments. This leads to these products only keeping an...
  15. purplehays1

    10 x 10 room need advice

    I recommend 75-100w per sq/ft for max yield So 7,500 to 10,000 watts for maximum yield if you are filling the entire 10x10, but you could probably get away with less with larger hoods.
  16. purplehays1

    Secret Jardin Lodge L90 Setup Help

    This picture is the L90 it has a exhaust hole at the top. You likely can use one fan and just use a splinter to duct the fan to both compartments and just run constant ventilation.
  17. purplehays1

    Secret Jardin Lodge L90 Setup Help

    i am not sure how these tents are set up either, but generally flouros like you will be using for clones/veg produce very little heat and ventilation is much less of an issue than with a HPS.
  18. purplehays1

    Did this plant hermie?

    looks weird but not sure thats a male flower
  19. purplehays1

    Quality from Autoflower under T5'S?

    buds came out large and not very dense, quality is not great, gunna make some quiso
  20. purplehays1

    What is this on my bud is it a web?

    im no expert but i believe mold cannot grow at 50% RH, so any lower is just overkill and i think the plants actually prefer it humid.