Did this plant hermie?


Just about to enter 7th week of flowering. Noticed growth on the bottom that never got much light (first grow so figured since I was unsure of pruning.. I shouldn't prune). It looks like a cluster of sacs at each bud site. It's odd because only a few branches look like this. Most of these are coming off a large branch (that holds the fattest cola) and I had actually broken that large branch 1st week of flowering and taped it back up and it seemed to keep growing. Check out below. All on the lower part. Buds seem to keep growing. And if it is hermie (looks like seed clusters)... harvest now or wait it out for two more weeks? Only seems to be on two of the four I got going (two strains - sour diesel is having this issue)

Pics attached.



Well-Known Member
Unfortunately yes, flowers + balls, could post a clearer pic to be sure but sure looks that way, sorry for your loss :(


Well-Known Member
Looks that way. No biggie. I got a sativa strain that foes.that on the lower buds. I grow it every so often.


Would it really matter when I cut it down at this point? There are cloudy trichs in the jedi kush.. sour diesel still has the white hairs sticking out although I'm seeing orange and curling in. Half and half on the diesel with cloudy and clear. Sticky and heavy. I figured sanitize the tent and get the gals in the other room switched over :) - Canopy view - Diesel in the back


Well-Known Member
Would it really matter when I cut it down at this point? There are cloudy trichs in the jedi kush.. sour diesel still has the white hairs sticking out although I'm seeing orange and curling in. Half and half on the diesel with cloudy and clear. Sticky and heavy. I figured sanitize the tent and get the gals in the other room switched over :) - Canopy view - Diesel in the back
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That looks nice there if you cut to early you'll be sad....got any close ups of those buds?


The only one I have is below that was taken a couple of hours ago. Flash kind of screwed it up. I have some from 5 days ago. Will post in a sec. I really feel a couple more weeks and they will fill out nicely.



Well-Known Member
sometimes lower buds hermi sometimes they shock seed

sometimes they get pollen from another plant that hermied

just keep an eye out for balls as much as you can during flowering is all you can do really


Well-Known Member
Look kind of like seed pods to me but without an in focus picture it's impossible to say for sure, I wouldn't worry to much anyway just finish the plant out a few seeds never hurt anyone


Alright. Appreciate all the responses on this. I'll just let it ride these next few weeks to finish it out. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
If you're just seeing some sacs and all the plants will be out of there in the next couple of weeks it's easy, just pick off what you find and ride it out. There's nothing to pollinate other than the buds that are too late to produce seeds even if you pollinated them on purpose. You could get a few undeveloped seeds but nothing much to worry about.


Great, good to know GroErr. There's only one or two branches that I've found where every bud site on the branch has those clusters. Like the specific branch is mixed gender and the rest of the plant is all lady. Interesting stuff. I'll pluck out what I find when lights go on. Possibly get a clearer picture as well.


Well-Known Member
Pluck one and carefully open it ... Me thinks they be seeds ....
Which CAN happen on its own when plant thinks its near death and tries to prolong its lineage.


I've opened a couple and it seems like a drop of liquid is in it. Almost like a paste when you rub it in between your fingertips. I did find one with a tiny little green ball in it so I think that was a seed starting to form.,


Well-Known Member
they are fake seeds, not hermie. your concern would be if your plants would start making pollen sacs or bananas, and then ruin all those beautiful top colas you shoved.

however if you are really concerned you can just cut that part away. anyhow is just a small popcorn bud.

or you can keep them there. if they mature you made your own feminized seeds :D