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  1. bigfattone420

    Maple leaf weed?

    in the 1970's a while i was living going to school in Calif ,a classmate give me a plant that looked like that ,i had never seen any weed plant like he gave to me ..I was used to seeing/growing everything sativa ..Came to find out later it was a indica..Smoked really well oh yes ,kicked the...
  2. bigfattone420

    Transplanting 6" tall plants...

    You can fim them or lst them..Those are a couple choices
  3. bigfattone420

    The valuable information older people have

    Fuck young uns in smelly dog costumes ..age over 50,lol
  4. bigfattone420

    New room new grow!!!

    Dam with the wifey passing you a fatty...That's good enough for me..I spark up outside my wife makes up her face,lol.....
  5. bigfattone420

    New room new grow!!!

    Nice looking plants...
  6. bigfattone420

    New room new grow!!!

    Very nice room..I have a room about that size .I need to do more work on it..I sub you...Will follow your grow..peace...
  7. bigfattone420

    First time grower, experimenting with CFL and Sterilite Box

    ..Excellent..i'm on page 169 ,i started on page 1...The concept of constantly having trees producing and starting a new tree or 2 everyweek is something else..Did you see the size of Del666 buds...Wow! ..Only thing i need to get is the coconut coir ,although some folks are doing it with a soil...
  8. bigfattone420

    Think you can put one past Karma?

    Guess some lawbreakers have some scruples..Hey chalk it up as a lesson learned..The ticket going to cost a lot more than what you took...So it's definately karma..It also gives you an idea about what is important in your life......Hey thank goodness it wasnt anything major..So that's a good...
  9. bigfattone420

    First time grower, experimenting with CFL and Sterilite Box

    Lady J ..Dem gals looking sweet tas suga...They are comming out of the bin(as Rick james would say" busting out on the L7 funk" ,smile sweet..I been reading this other Thread ..I'm going to flip my tomorrow 12/12....I find it to be very informative & radical a different concept ..Also a way to...
  10. bigfattone420

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Del thank you for sharing your knowledge (also your friend Green fingers)..This is one of the best reads on here and the concept dang!!!is outstanding!!!!.I have read from page 1 ..i'm on page 169...I will do all my grows now on this way..I have plenty bagseed to practice on...Thank you once...
  11. bigfattone420

    The Anti-Gay Politics Need to Stop

    Your way of thinking and your avatar goes perfect...Old ways of thinking......
  12. bigfattone420

    The Anti-Gay Politics Need to Stop

    I'm from the school of live and let live............we all are one......even the jackasses who bitch n complain....
  13. bigfattone420

    First time grower, experimenting with CFL and Sterilite Box

    I haven't smoked that stuff( reggo) in i don't know how long,smile ..just tired of this mid also spending money on it.....So growing my own is the next best thing...From what i am seeing you are doing well ,you gonna have some good bud soon soon,smile ..Thanks for your time..peace always......
  14. bigfattone420

    First time grower, experimenting with CFL and Sterilite Box

    Cool cool ..I feel you...Been smoking a lot of Mid...Don't mess with that reggo ,lol..Have plenty seeds from all that mid..doing a small grow right now still vegging....When i get my seeds ...i will switch my mid over to flower ..Will let you know when i start those new beans..Enjoy the day...
  15. bigfattone420

    First time grower, experimenting with CFL and Sterilite Box

    Good day Lady J ..Glad to see you were able to 'get some new beans .sweet!!!! i understand growing on a sparse budget...I recently made my 1st bean order also big smile: Product Name SKU Price Qty Subtotal Subtotal $11.16 Shipping & Handling $4.35 Discount (Free...
  16. bigfattone420

    Hello new girl here! :)

    Welcome TG...Have fun enjoy yourself peace and love always....