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  1. psychedelicdaddi

    Edibles without decarb

    you can extract into oil in a large pot with a lid on and the stovetop fan on. It only kinda smells and doesnt really make it out of the doors or windows. Just be mindful. Maybe do some spring cleaning too. If you want to decarb the oil after extraction, you can do that too. But remember oil...
  2. psychedelicdaddi

    The Original 16oz Party Cup Comp

    Pics from the morning red
  3. psychedelicdaddi

    -boring 'ol 230w 154lm/w led strip build

    Question, where is the fifth strip? Also, looking goooood
  4. psychedelicdaddi

    The Original 16oz Party Cup Comp

    the extra pots are tulsi basil i am germinating
  5. psychedelicdaddi

    -boring 'ol 230w 154lm/w led strip build

    For sure. If you have a short you don't want to be holding that frame if it weren't grounded.
  6. psychedelicdaddi

    Cobs or QB which has better coverage

    since the diodes dont really become "stronger" when you get closer you can get crazy close to LED strips. like an inch away if your heat is under control. For sure couldnt do that with a COB. Which basically just means more head space in a tent.
  7. psychedelicdaddi

    -boring 'ol 230w 154lm/w led strip build

    i see, i never measured the temps but a day or two of having it on max with no pc fans on the heatsink, i noticed it was very hot so i turned it down, bought a few large pc fans 180mm or 200mm. Installed them and a 12v power supply. Now i dont worry, everything is cool to the touch, even on max.
  8. psychedelicdaddi

    -boring 'ol 230w 154lm/w led strip build

    What power are you using? I didn't have any issues until I turned the drivers to max
  9. psychedelicdaddi

    -boring 'ol 230w 154lm/w led strip build

    Fully pushed into the center of the board is all on, fully away towards the edge is minimum drive, then idr the in betweens.
  10. psychedelicdaddi

    Pre registration for the greatest party cup grow off of 2018

    Why not monstercrop her if it's a keeper? You lose the even structure but keep the plant
  11. psychedelicdaddi

    Pre registration for the greatest party cup grow off of 2018

    Soil life stays healthier, one body. Also eats up excess uncomposted material.
  12. psychedelicdaddi

    Pre registration for the greatest party cup grow off of 2018

    its a solocup plant competition. Im just using mushroom substrate and mycelium in my soil. Olive is a pretty good mushroom grower and is showing us a dank flush of shroooooooms to add to conversation, keep up
  13. psychedelicdaddi

    Pre registration for the greatest party cup grow off of 2018

    Nice dude, bulk tek I see. I do SGFc using cakes. My favorite spawn is presoaked in coffee then cooked bird seed, coffee grinds, azomite and dolomite, and vermiculite. It all ends up in the soil as an amendment.
  14. psychedelicdaddi

    Pre registration for the greatest party cup grow off of 2018

    Hey so is there going to be an actual thread for this or are we keeping up in the registration thread??