Recent content by wizardof0z

  1. W

    PRUNING- What and more importantly WHEN??

    are there guidelines for timeline when you would recommend to top, lolipop, ect?
  2. W

    PRUNING- What and more importantly WHEN??

    600w mh ive always had problems with too much think not enough lighting, or too far away? i usually have the girls under t8s after rooted clones. but when is it fine to transfer them under the MH
  3. W

    PRUNING- What and more importantly WHEN??

    lately ive been going even more aggressive than the 2nd pic. i would only leave top 3 nodes. BUT these days if were to keep the plant like the 2nd picture, i would supercrop all the top shoots
  4. W

    PRUNING- What and more importantly WHEN??

    i get nice buds...but usually not much yield. wondering if im taking too much off or stressing the girls too much. but i hate larf.
  5. W

    PRUNING- What and more importantly WHEN??

    hi all, ive been having lots of trouble growing healthy veg plants that look full and bushy. i use certain pruning techniques such as topping, lolipoping, supercropping but sometimes i wonder if im doing all these techniques at the wrong time. ill first explain what i normally do, and...
  6. W

    Bud porn

    damn how you get your stems so thick? how long veg before you flipped? looking good!
  7. W

    light intensity during flower

    im asking more specifically for during flower. i normally veg with 600w MH. but when flipping to 12/12 my question was if it was ok to start bloom under 600HPS and then bump them to 1000HPS only when flowers start to show. would that have much affect on final yield, or growth of the plant...
  8. W

    light intensity during flower

    hello, i have de HPS that are dimmable. i was wondering if by having the light set at 600HPS for the first 3 weeks of bloom until i start to really see flowers before bumping up the light intensity to 1000watt hps is fine? would this still work in maximizing yields? ive also heard the...
  9. W

    how many nodes do you leave when lolipopping??

    im not worried about stripping leaves as i usually defoliate quite aggressive during day 21. i just wanted to try this new way of what kyle kushman talks about. leaving only 3 nodes per branch to get only big colas.
  10. W

    how many nodes do you leave when lolipopping??

    yes sorry he leaves the fan leaves. my question was, if i did that and i pruned only to leave 3 nodes per branch, during flower it can still double in nodes?
  11. W

    how many nodes do you leave when lolipopping??

    yes he says he only leaves 3 nodes. so isnt that quite a bit to lolipop?
  12. W

    how many nodes do you leave when lolipopping??

    i seen a video of where kyle kushman lolipops his plants to leave only 3 nodes. if i lolipop to only 3 nodes and give it a week before flip does the plant still grow additional nodes in flower?
  13. W

    is it time to chop down??

    id chop it
  14. W

    Ready to harvest?

    you have tons of white pistols, id say your weeks away
  15. W

    No light or heat stress??

    thanks for advice. am currently looking to have another portable ac added