No light or heat stress??


Active Member
hi all,

my light scheduel is on 5pm ON-5am OFF normally

yesterday in canada we had a heat warning. IT was HOT, temperatures in my grow room reached as high 34-38C when normally im able to keep it under 28C during lights on. lights off i usually have temps 7-10 degrees lower.

today we have another heat warning, but weather after today should be back to normal and a lot cooler the next few days.

I run 9 1000w HPS in my grow room. Currently with the lights off, temps are around 28C.
my question is whether it is better to keep all the lights off for this 1 day so that temps stay under 28-30 and miss a light scheduel OR is it better to turn the lights on for only 6 hours from midnight to 5am to hopefully skip out on the heat wave and still have somewhat manageable temps without a spike. OR Third option would have been to leave only 1, 1000w light on so there is still some light in the room to simulate a reg light scheduel day for the plants.

i chose to go a full day without lights, but just wondering if this happens again in the future and i hit another heat warning, which option would be best?

I say a day without lights isn’t gonna fix the problem, reducing the amount of lights you use will. Temps that high won’t kill the plants, but definitely won’t help without supplementing cO2. I would invest in an AC unit. With summer lingering around the corner, it’s only gonna get worse.