Recent content by JimmyPot

  1. JimmyPot

    I Am a Proud Mama - Check out My Pix!!

    Something to be proud of.
  2. JimmyPot

    Club 600

    Ha Ha love it.
  3. JimmyPot

    any other fry cooks out there?

    rocky mountain oysters
  4. JimmyPot

    The Exotic Temptation of Mephedrone!

    Tabor hates you and your brother because you have sex with woman, Tabor likes to be corn holed by guys in storm trooper outfits.
  5. JimmyPot

    Coolest People You Have Smoked With.

    Member of Marilyn Manson.
  6. JimmyPot

    Hardest Thing You've Laughed At While High?

    I saw a kid once taking a crap in the public library in the hallway just to make himself laugh I guess.It was a crazy thing to walk up on him just squatting there pinching one out. I knew the kid doind it though he was not with me.I caught him in grade school putting all the lunch forks up his...
  7. JimmyPot

    I'm freakin out man!!

    While I was reading this a knock came at my door and I SHIT in my pants.
  8. JimmyPot

    Is it bad that I want to go to war?

    Your just stoned and watch to many movies,play too many video games.It sucks over there.It is in the desert and over 100 every day you sleep on a crappy cot under a huge tent with 100 guys like prison.Are you tough or a popular guy if not you will get bullied by the other guys and you can't...
  9. JimmyPot

    Pig FLIR, surface temps and my closet

    Order the panda paper from the uk that flir can not see through and buy that thing you put over your light the blocks the heat too.No more problems.
  10. JimmyPot

    Fuck Marijuana!

    I have feeling you eat all organic if not you soon will.Also a t shirt that says cannabis cup judge 2009 is in your future.
  11. JimmyPot

    Mutant Blue Offspring

    Butt sex with the chicken is best amen
  12. JimmyPot

    Mutant Blue Offspring

    If you mixed the gold fish from family guy with Eric Cartman's butt hole on enchilada night you would have something a christian maybe.
  13. JimmyPot

    growing weed in prison new help

    You will be more likely to suck every dick in the joint over ever smoking a joint from weed you grew in the pen!!!!With that kind of caviler attitude its no wonder your going to the poky.
  14. JimmyPot

    The Song Name Game

    Time-David Bowie ROmdX7hXDdEI did it!!!!!!Thanks man
  15. JimmyPot

    The Song Name Game

    I must be stupid because I tried it and still didnt work