Recent content by darrellduaner

  1. darrellduaner

    In America today, who has it worse?

    i thought god had a plan and is omniscient. besides, arent we in this shitty mess because god wants the devil to be proven wrong? idk shit i was trolling more or less
  2. darrellduaner

    In America today, who has it worse?

    if you believe in god, how come you look both ways when crossing the street? if you believe in god, how come you go to the doctor? if you believe in god, why are you not happy when a loved one dies? did you think they were going to hell? if you believe in god, why are you such a PRICK!? if you...
  3. darrellduaner

    Democrats to bureaucratize sex in California

    she moaned a bit, but that could go either way i guess
  4. darrellduaner

    A freedom movement is only possible in...

    i do a lot with my left
  5. darrellduaner

    Democrats to bureaucratize sex in California

    i boffed this drunk chick and she didnt say no. did i rape her. we did teh 69 first too. :)
  6. darrellduaner

    STL is about to start rioting.

    thats just how we roll
  7. darrellduaner

    A freedom movement is only possible in...

    governments arent needed. courts, maybe; run by fully accountable people and not some faceless entity. a militia may be required, however government is not needed for that either. And how to address 'rights' of a 'citizen'... okay so a citizen by definition (google search) is a legally...
  8. darrellduaner

    A freedom movement is only possible in...

    like we need cancer... i dont need anyone, let alone a faceless fiction claiming to have power over me. we do NOT need government for anything. while i agree that regulation/penalty/violence/coercion are probably the easiest and fastest way to address a problem, not a single issue we face as a...
  9. darrellduaner

    Ann Coulter Was Right On This One...

    she says shit that she knows is outright fucking retarded. even she cant possibly believe all of the shit she spews. SIDE NOTE: NOT attractive. if paris hilton fucked the crypt keeper their baby would be coulter
  10. darrellduaner

    Black Folks and Aids

    oh god, im just now realizing how that appeared. okay, just for the sake of clarity; i was going for humor there
  11. darrellduaner

    Black Folks and Aids

    i know where im vacationing next year... ;)
  12. darrellduaner

    Intelligent Design, My Ass

    intelligent design is a fucking farce. argued only by idiots who arent worth the three-and-a-half hours you spend trying to un-stupid them. i can just ram my head into a brick wall if i need the sensation of one of those conversations? "well how do you explain why we have two eyes?" "or why...
  13. darrellduaner

    impeach obama petition

    uh-oh you're on 'the list' now
  14. darrellduaner


    we have a right to nothing! we should be entitled to a fair hearing when accused of wrongdoing should be entitled to live without the fear of violence or coercion
  15. darrellduaner

    School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

    liberals and their push for move gov't control... we dont need it. i almost dont believe that they believe their position. so because there are more crazies who will shoot unarmed people, take EVERYONE'S guns away? so now regular men and women will be at the mercy of criminals who have illegal...