Sara Palin, reconsidered.


One thing is for sure, when BarryO went fishing for suckers he sure got you to bite the hook...It will get better next November and maybe you can get some help with removing the hook from your lips..And then maybe you can go by the clinic for some help getting off the Obamacrack..

you're not even bothering to even try to obfuscate your racism and bigotry anymore, eh?
The verb 'capitalize' doesn't imply privatization. These private interests are capitalizing on resources that are not privately owned. The state owns them. The state then requires them to pay each resident of the state.


You are playing dumb now.. When I go fill my boat up with a resource I own it..Now explain to me how I don't own it?
you're not even bothering to even try to obfuscate your racism and bigotry anymore, eh?

Life is really to short for that Buck...Maybe you can help CheezyO put the fire out for a day and the two of you can enjoy this wonderful day without those things you mentioned...
I don't care about the boat you inherited or the fish you collect. Alaska is by far the most socialist state in the nation.

Boy did you side step the question.. I didn't inherit a boat..But I will inherit a gun shop some day as long as the old man doesn't sell it first...

You are going to half to come up with some examples of what you mean because I have no idea whats going around in your head about capitalism and business..
Compensation is not exclusive to socialism my friend. Every permanent citizen in Alaska is compensated from state owned land being leased to oil companies. No centralized government, no socialism, just good ole states rights government at it's best.

Banning books, really? :lol:

Those rumors, like all the rest of the far left perpetrated lies about Sarah Palin have been proven to be nothing more than a far left smear campaign against her. But hey, we did get a community organizer for their troubles!

I think you're cconfused....
The far left smear was, when Sarah needed a smear test (to check her for cervical cancer cells) her vagina was SO ENORMOUS that they had to use a dwarf on the hospital staff t climb inside her.
But the dwarf didn't speak good English (he was a janitor from Latvia) and he couldn't hear very well, because his ears were full of spermicidal jelly and public hair.
So the doctors kept having to shout.

"SMEAR...that's it..SMEAR!....TO THE LEFT, THE FAR LEFT!!! SMEAR!!!!"

That's a true story.
I know the guy who rented a house on the next street to the sister of the Latvian dwarf.
He's a celebrity in Latvia now and people pay to rub his head and listen to him talk about his time in [B]SARAH PALINS HUGE VAGINA
The fisherman have state and federal permits and yearly quotas...The Miners have claims with the state for mineral rights and mining permits..Some timber companies own timber land and some more than likely own the timber on public lands...The state and the federal government get a fee for everything...And if you want you can go up there and join them on capitalizing resources, you would be free to do so...I am doing the same thing in Oregon "capitalizing" resources...

How well has the fishing a crab quota worked out for your state? I must admit I'm not a fan of how the system in AK was implemented. Sold as public safety, but yet our state senator and his son made millions of it. It never seemed right to me.

Our states perminent fund dividend program was set up to share the oil wealth with all residents of our state. Jay Hammond signed it into law and it has worked pretty well over the years. The issue with what Palin did was she got ACES passed, then added a pretty good chunk of money to everyone's dividend. On a election year.

I thought she did a pretty decent job as a mayor, but wasn't cut out to be a governor, or a vp. I don't really pay much attention to her anymore, she has zero effect on my life. I have better things to worry about.
Fine. I will do it for you. I will post the first line from 5 different sources regarding the definition of capitalism.
an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners
A system of economics based on the private ownership of capital and production inputs
An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned
: an economic system characterized by or corporate ownership of capital goods
Capitalism is an economic system in which trade, industry and the means of production are controlled by private owners

Mariam Webster is consistent with these but for some reason my tablet is showing me bad links.
I missed the part where Alaska developed the resources on its own, for its own good.

no, they simply owned the land the resources were under. Should they just give them to a company, then you would shout corruption. No, Alaska acted in the best interest of it's citizens. A private company is developing the oil into a commercial product.

Much in the same way the federal government owns land and permits certain uses of it. Example, a local lake is all TVA property, they lease areas of it to private interests to run a marina.

The department of the interior leases commercial opportunity in national parks/forests.

It is common sense.

the problem with pure academic definitions is they fail to meet the complexity of real world issues. There is a bit of every economic system found in every economic systems practiced on the planet.

a pure form foe capitalism, socialism, communism or fascism does not exist outside of your definitions.
I missed the part where Alaska developed the resources on its own, for its own good.

no, they simply owned the land the resources were under. Should they just give them to a company, then you would shout corruption. No, Alaska acted in the best interest of it's citizens. A private company is developing the oil into a commercial product.

Much in the same way the federal government owns land and permits certain uses of it. Example, a local lake is all TVA property, they lease areas of it to private interests to run a marina.

The department of the interior leases commercial opportunity in national parks/forests.

It is common sense.

the problem with pure academic definitions is they fail to meet the complexity of real world issues. There is a bit of every economic system found in every economic systems practiced on the planet.

a pure form foe capitalism, socialism, communism or fascism does not exist outside of your definitions.

Socialism is not simply nationalization, that is just one form. There are several forms. Fascism is a form of capitalism, hence the privatization. Most fascist states have called themselves socialist but they weren't. Socioeconomic stratification is inherent in all forms of capitalism by result of privatization.

Communism is a form of socialism, hence the stateless and classless society. Most of the people who have called themselves communist weren't. They were in fact totalitarian. Fascism is not a form of socialism since privatization is intrinsic to it.

I agree regarding pure forms, which is why I described Alaska as "the most socialist state in the nation". I also describe Obama as not at all socialist.
How well has the fishing a crab quota worked out for your state? I must admit I'm not a fan of how the system in AK was implemented. Sold as public safety, but yet our state senator and his son made millions of it. It never seemed right to me.

Our states perminent fund dividend program was set up to share the oil wealth with all residents of our state. Jay Hammond signed it into law and it has worked pretty well over the years. The issue with what Palin did was she got ACES passed, then added a pretty good chunk of money to everyone's dividend. On a election year.

I thought she did a pretty decent job as a mayor, but wasn't cut out to be a governor, or a vp. I don't really pay much attention to her anymore, she has zero effect on my life. I have better things to worry about.

hello Rak on Tur...

The crab quota is just in Alaska..Off of Oregon it is more of a crab derby, the best man wins until they are caught up..If the weather is rough the bigger boats will catch most of the crabs..
Life is really to short for that Buck...Maybe you can help CheezyO put the fire out for a day and the two of you can enjoy this wonderful day without those things you mentioned...

i can only hope that life is short enough for you.

the sooner the racist, anti-gay "fag" hating, anti-muslim intimidaters, anti-immigrant bigots like you are gone, the sooner we can realize one simple fact.

he ain't heavy. he's my brother.
i can only hope that life is short enough for you.

the sooner the racist, anti-gay "fag" hating, anti-muslim intimidaters, anti-immigrant bigots like you are gone, the sooner we can realize one simple fact.

he ain't heavy. he's my brother.


Did you get a new super hero jump suit for christmas?