FJG's Hempy Main-Lined Grow - Critical Kush & Mazar x White Rhino


Well-Known Member
Pinworm rocks!

It is indeed too dry where I am some times.

I think that this is what the paper bags do, that
they provide is slightly higher RH for the buds.



Well-Known Member
Anything below 55%RH and it will be too dry to cure. Keep that in mind. All your other info seems correct. Just my two pesos.
They have only been like that for 3 days since i chopped, i wont leave the humidity at that i'll slowly bring it up to 62%.
I guess its just a case of trying the stems until they crack then jarring to let the inside moisture equalise with the dryer outside of the buds and hopefully getting around the 62% in the jars. My 1st harvest was dryed at 40%rh and 76f for about 5 days, it totally dryed it but left a harsh taste and hardly any smell.


Well-Known Member
Why not just do a FREEZER cure???..............KISS system, throw it in and forget it. No worries about RH/burping/bags/jars/blah blah blah.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a problem with the way I dry and cure, just making conversation. I've read up on the freezer method before and never seemed to suit me.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a problem with the way I dry and cure, just making conversation. I've read up on the freezer method before and never seemed to suit me.
Sorry......Hope I didn't come off as an asshole?? have you tried it though?? what doesn't suit you about it??? ..........I can't go back to traditional methods after trying it, large scale guys it's a not cost effective due to electrical costs. But for personal growers with a freezer in the kitchen already running it dose an amazing job at curing IMO.


Well-Known Member
It's no problem. I tried it before and wasn't satisfied. I didn't like how it cured compared to the traditional way that's all. Just like growing weed, everyone has their way.

Unless I see scientific hard facts, from my experience I prefer my method that I use and have tweaked and mastered for my situation...


Well-Known Member
I tried some too. It was OK....better than the water cure
which I also tried. (it takes the flavor away)



Active Member
Ya.... my ladies have been hanging for 1 week now. at 59-62F and 47-53rh. Our climate is very cold and dry right now. So i use humidifiers right now.

Anyways, I think they are drying too quick. I have a room full of hanging buds that.... doesnt.... really smell like a room full of hanging buds!! damnit!! lol... sigh.. same as last time really... The look great. The smell like hanging plants, period. At least thats what i noticed the other night. Gonna check em tonight. Probly jar some. I was TRYING to do a long slow cool cure. Do my best to hold 62F and 50%rh. Temp holds pretty easy. RH is another thing tho. I think i may have wanted to go heavier on the humidity. i dunno. All i know is this Fruity Chronic Juice HAS TO SMELL WAYYY DANKER than these do...


Well-Known Member
The best drying I have done is in my tent honestly.
I can vent it, add wet towels, open doors even dehumidifier is temps allow.
Summer time is still an issue even with that technique though.


Well-Known Member
Hey Fuck,

Look what I did yesterday!

Q2 about to get naked.

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She says "Take me"!

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Going under the blade.

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Section by section,

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Just have to show her lovely coloration!

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Wardrobe removed, standing naked before me!
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Let's see how she dries!

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My buddy from NM came in yesterday and I ask him what he thought was it time to harvest. I thought after scoping them that I had about 50% just clouded and very few amber, did see a few purple balls sitting on to of the trics, he just looked at them with the 30x and said hell yes their ready. So we took down Q2, trimmed her all up and now she is hanging in the closet with a light fan blowing across her body.
I had cut a shoot off of Q2 on 12/12/13, dried it for 5 days then jarred it, burped it at least twice a day till yesterday when John got here. He was impessed with the flavor, which to me was still to young but he sad he like it better than his white widow. Now that brought a big smile to my face.

Well I have two big buds of her for Christmas and hope to jar and start cure Sunday or Monday.

Merry Christmas my friend,
