FJG's Hempy Main-Lined Grow - Critical Kush & Mazar x White Rhino

The best drying I have done is in my tent honestly.
I can vent it, add wet towels, open doors even dehumidifier is temps allow.
Summer time is still an issue even with that technique though.

Ya i hear ya summer is a bitch here too. well, these buds actually do smell better now that they arent all attached to those fatty stems anymore. :) BUT i want that fucking WREAKIN ASS BUD THAT YOU SMELL IN MY ZIPPED UP JACKET PACKET FROM LIKE 10 FEET AWAY AND SHIT!!!LOL Whats the STANKYIEST BEST TASTING strain you guys have experience with???? :)

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to bassman999 again.

Be careful with the boveda packs. If you seal bud that is >70% with a boveda, your hygrometer will read at around 62% even though the bud is nowhere near that.

Always seal the bud without the boveda first, get it to around a 62-64% baseline with normal burping then use the boveda packs.

Stone and DUDES, what if my jars are siting at like 50% RH alone? And thats what they were to begin with right when i jarred them a two days ago. Throw in the boveda's? then it be BRINGING the RH UP to 62% and holding. This is what i want? Take into thoght my good friends that my air in my area right now is about -4 degrees and probably close to like 10% RH maybe lower.

and i have 56 grams in each big jar. should i throw in two packs? or just try one first and see how that goes. I bought 24 of em.
Bovedas will be better when the RH of the env surrounding
the buds is closer to the target humidity that the packets
want to maintain.

Add a fresh leaf to the jar, wait a while, and check the jar again.

Good luck,

The reason I don't like hygrometers is some(most) are not very accurate. If your bud was at 50% it should be extremely crispy, and should almost crumble apart if squeezed.

If that's the case then unfortunately you overdried it.
You can lay a small amount in a glass dish and cover it with an unbleached coffee filter slightly moistened with water. Won't ever make it what it could but will
help. The Bovedas would help too but you would need a few per jar maybe to work.
Use SS's trick to get the moisture level back up.

Then add the Bovedas.

Bovedas are not designed to shift the moisture levels of objects,
but to help maintain their moisture levels.

Good luck,

Hmm. Ok cool. Ya, i was told by a guy to do a long slow dry. 62F and 50% RH. It was supposed to take two weeks and took 1. so ya, they dried too quick. and yes SS thats basicaly the characteristic of them now. if you put enuf pressure on them like you want to pack a bowl or something they are really easy to just break apart. almost dont even need a grinder really. Damnit!! lol well,, have to up the RH next time. maybe to like 60%... They still smell good. Smoke smooth. great bag appeal! quarters look like halfs :) Just with they had the WREAKING SMELL!! and taste. i dunno they almost taste... tasteless?? not 100% but you dont get no good flavor in ur mouth that you cant wait to take another hit of to taste that bombness again lol. well thats run number two, ever. and run number one in this system. and i know i had to cut them down like a few days early due to veg exploding ad needing to move to flower. this run that wont happen. :)

All in all i got 2lb 1.75 oz off the 7 plants. So thats what...? just under 5 zips per plant... damnit lol was hopin to do 6 per... oh well :) this next run is 9 plants. And ill be keeping track which produces the most. Got mainline, LST, scrog, top uncle ben style
Budtoker, I think the guy meant to dry it in a room area that is around 62F with 50% RH. This time of year it is almost impossible to hang dry for a 2 week period
unless you have some serious climate control.

You can use paper bags to slow down the drying process too. Just hang dry them until they get a bit of crackle to the stems. You don't want a snap or a loud crack, they still should be a
bit bendy but have some resistance to them. Once they are at this point you can close them up in paper bags to finish the dry. Just pull the buds out rotate them and check for possible
mold every 8-12 hours for the first day. After that you can simply open the bag and let them breathe for a 15-30 minute period per day. Once the stems are snappy and the outer layer is dry
put them in jars and cure.

I made a few cardboard dry boxes to help slow down the process. SAM_0345.jpg I hang them in here after harvest and alternate opening and closing the box
top to help slow the drying. After they get to the right point I use the process listed above.

I use the hygrometer to get an idea or baseline of the RH, but use my own experience and feel to decide when they are "dry". My preference is to have it dry enough that
flowers will snap off the stem nicely, but still hold their shape and density without crumbling.
That is what i did. But the room's temps ranged from 59-62F and 47-53%RH but ya, they dried too quick. I'll try your method next for sure.
Dude, have you chopped the CKs yet? What's up with them? Mine are 3 weeks since the flip now and starting to look great (from what I can tell...haha).
SO since you dudes are FUCKING AWESOME! I figured i could ask your opinion on BALLAST!
I was gonna go with Phantom cuz i know they quiet and cool but spendy:
Or I have these others popping up in ebay (down to look at amazon too i figure they will have the same ones) CHEAPER wich IS COOL BUT ill pay the extra if its more reliable and ist gonna have some stupid little internal fan break.. :weed:

Happy holidays, and all that crap :) new year old year lets do it...

These Ck's Just do not want to finish, and get fatter and phatter and ffpphatter everyday… all white hairs on CK2 and CK7, some oranging hairs on the ck2, hard to see how much weight they have packed on but I'm betting the ck7 and ck2 have almost doubled their thickness, they are fat buds, heavy buds.

Get this DAY 76 since flip to 12/12



CK 2:


CK 7:::


the Funky Bunch:


Thanks for posting a great thread along with great pics! I have done this technique on an OG Kush and and the results look to be crazy good so far. At what point did you do your initial topping of the seedling? How many leaf sets high?
Thanks for posting a great thread along with great pics! I have done this technique on an OG Kush and and the results look to be crazy good so far. At what point did you do your initial topping of the seedling? How many leaf sets high?

I was aggressive, probably let it grow to the 4th to 5th node before i chose a level i wanted the mains at...

thanks for stopping by !

Sir FJG and other GREATS :)

I got 4 clones transplanted to lil solo cup hempy's. perlite to the top of the drain hole then 3/1 perlite/vermiculite mix above that. I just gave them water ph'd to 6.2 this time cuz that perlite has some traces of N P & K i believe. small amounts. I got the bags from Lowes. Lemme know if these are ok. Also about 20 mins after putting in the cups and watering (I put about two solo cups worth of water thru them this first time) they looked a little droopy.
they came from the clone machine with just the stem and roots hanging like so:

I have been trying to look back but not finding it, IF im even remembering right. But is there a good thread one of you have shared with me already on Hempy's? Like when to feed and when to water and what not? Is it like soil where its water water feed like every other day or just when it feels light in wieght?

Thanks dudes!!