Random Jibber Jabber Thread


was ticketed for hitting a light pole on private property. cop said I was going to fast. asked him how he knew my speed, said the damage made it obvious.(he saw me looking at the damage) i was going in reverse in a one ton with steel dump bed with a pallet of salt, just couldn't see, and if my speed was excessive id have knocked it over. I said what is obvious here is you don't know what youre talking about, and that he seemed green. he wrote the ticket, left the parking lot, immediately got stuck in a pile of snow. I got out and took a picture about 3 feet from his cruiser when leaving, he wouldn't even look at me. Ticket was dropped.
It seems cops the world over are the same. Not always the brighest bunch and most have self esteem issues. Can't trust most of them that's for sure. Our cops are so bad here, people don't even bother reporting crimes any more. What a world we have created for ourselves, we should be ashamed.

I have no idea where that came from, must be the weed, I can get a little emotional at times.


Well-Known Member
Wow, haven't had a head rush like that in a while... good thing I was laying down, I would've hit the floor for sure the dangers of smoking... a risk I'm more than willing to take SH420


Well-Known Member
Haha so the.conference went great. The bosses didnt show up so i presented my case to the comissioner and right .off she was like what the hell are these guys doing. After looking at my info she decided to rewrite my claim for waay more than i was askin for and said shes goin to open a state investigation on these guys because by looking at how they do payroll she thinks theyre committing tax fraud as well. Have to have another conference at the end of the month and if they noshow again it will go to a hearing. The comissioner said they definately dont want that.

God is good!



Wow, haven't had a head rush like that in a while... good thing I was laying down, I would've hit the floor for sure the dangers of smoking... a risk I'm more than willing to take SH420
Mate, I was showing off to my daughter one day, I hit a pipe so hard I blacked out for a second, after making sure I wasn't dead, my daughter laughed so hard that she nearly blacked out. ;)


Some one has been running their mouth off and I wanted your take on what should be done,
seeing as we're all in the game of drug growing and dealing as such.
and even more of an insult is that wanton grass could well be among us now!!
and if they are and I can expose them should they not be hung out to dry?
exposed and made a pariah? Just like scooby was!
keep your eyes peeled Im working on it
and will start an exposure thread soon hopefully suspicion a plenty
so tell me people if they're among us what should be done?

Mate I for one have no idea what you talking about, if you talking about shill's, well they just sad lonely people, ignore them, or take them on, either way they will stay. If you not talking about shill's then I will go back to my corner.