Random Jibber Jabber Thread


So glad to see you back home, MIN. I hope all is well for you!

SRH, my sincerest condolences for the loss of your dog. I lost a pair 3 years ago, and like Slow said, it is tough to forget them. Nobody will ever love you unconditionally like a dog. They are always so happy to see you and be with you. Painful; usually more so than human passing.

Much love, guys
So true my friend so true. wow.


Well-Known Member
So glad to see you back home, MIN. I hope all is well for you!

SRH, my sincerest condolences for the loss of your dog. I lost a pair 3 years ago, and like Slow said, it is tough to forget them. Nobody will ever love you unconditionally like a dog. They are always so happy to see you and be with you. Painful; usually more so than human passing.

Much love, guys
My favorite dog quote:
"I wish I was the person my dog thinks I am."


Well-Known Member
Joe, an hour and a half?!?!?!?!?!?!? These are the best! I use a ladle to drop the pulp into the bag (after letting the mix cool in the crock pot) and after a few good squeezes, you are done! Turn the bag inside out over the trash, a quick rinse, and done! I've used the same bag 8 times now. I do grind my buds in a coffee grinder to eliminate stems that could poke and tear the bag, as well as allow for the best trich extraction. These things are very difficult to find in town. Kitchen Kaboodle will ORDER one for you for $12.


Junker, I'm with 420God, I would have taken the offers in case the tow guy bailed on you! If it's icy out, you know he's getting calls, and some guy might offer $300 to get out of his predicament (a trunk full of drugs, or a hooker's dead body). I would call the driver and if he's close, I'd wait around for him and shoot him a $20. The fifty was for the work, he didn't do any, the $20 is a tip for showing up like he said he would.


Well-Known Member
my dogs temperature hit 105 tonight. after he was at the vet today already, they said give him fluid and keep him fed. i took him to the emergency care clinic. and i lost my dog tonight. he wasnt even 2, i feel so fucked up right now without him here with me just seeing all his toys and knowing he wont be around anymore.. i miss him so fucking much right now its unbelievable. i feel so fucking lost right now.. tonights the 1st time i cried in i cant even tell you how long and i honestly dont know what to do right now
i'm sorry buddy, it's tough, mine are my children so i understand :eyesmoke:


Staff member
my dogs temperature hit 105 tonight. after he was at the vet today already, they said give him fluid and keep him fed. i took him to the emergency care clinic. and i lost my dog tonight. he wasnt even 2, i feel so fucked up right now without him here with me just seeing all his toys and knowing he wont be around anymore.. i miss him so fucking much right now its unbelievable. i feel so fucking lost right now.. tonights the 1st time i cried in i cant even tell you how long and i honestly dont know what to do right now
im ssorry for your loss. when the time is right perhaps rescue a new older dog


Well-Known Member
my dogs temperature hit 105 tonight. after he was at the vet today already, they said give him fluid and keep him fed. i took him to the emergency care clinic. and i lost my dog tonight. he wasnt even 2, i feel so fucked up right now without him here with me just seeing all his toys and knowing he wont be around anymore.. i miss him so fucking much right now its unbelievable. i feel so fucking lost right now.. tonights the 1st time i cried in i cant even tell you how long and i honestly dont know what to do right now
Wow how did I miss this? I Feel selfish for not responding earlier. Man I don"t even know what to say, I am, like you was, A very proud pet owner. I feel for you and your loss. I truly am sorry. And might I add, fuck Paul Walker i got more sympathy for srh88.


Well-Known Member
Giggle's is officially broke after xmas shopping......

edit-Sorry for your loss srh, it's never easy losing something that you love. Stay strong bro.


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone, i dont know how to make it better. with this hobby we dont let many people into our lives. my dog was the one thing i count on no matter what. he was smart and full of energy, he was an awesome awesome dog.. i just miss him like fucking crazy, my house is still scattered with his toys and seeing them all just wrecks me. ive lost a few family members and friends over the past couple years. i think my dog just finally took me to my breaking point